Antidepressant-Induced Psychosis & Everything Else They Cause

Understanding Antidepressant-Induced Psychosis And Everything Else They Cause I have been going back through my book Prozac: Panacea OR Pandora? – Our Serotonin Nightmare! (Keep in mind that the only reason Prozac is the only antidepressant mentioned in the title is because it is the mother drug to all of the other SSRI and SNRI clones…

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Diagnosed Autistic at Age 2 After Leaving State “Therapy” Found to Have IQ Higher Than Einstein

  Jacob Barnett Autistic Boy With Higher IQ Than Einstein Discovers His Gift After Removal From State-Run Therapy….Generally over 60% of children diagnosed with Autism are given antidepressants which increase serotonin. Yet elevated serotonin has long been known to be found in Autism and is also known to produce brain damage. Look what happens when a…

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UK Antidepressant De-Ja-Vu: Lives ‘Left in Ruin by Rising Tide of Depression Drugs

Jo Thompson …ended up in hospital on anti-anxiety pills, and wanted to die when she stopped them Photo: Geoff Pugh/Telegraph JO EXPLAINS HOW ANTIDEPRESSANTS PRODUCE HAPPINESS: Miss Thompson is still suffering. “Three years have passed, but the ringing in my ears has never gone away and I’m so much more anxious than previously about things…

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2004 February FDA Testimony of Jamie Tierney Given Effexor for Migraine Headaches at Age 14

Jamie Tierney A neurologist, who certainly should have known better, gave the SNRI antidepressant, Effexor, to 14 year old Jamie Tierney. Let her share with you what horrors she suffered as a result. Luckily her parents knew what they were seeing in Jamie’s behavior was not her and continued to search for answers. I still…

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Mark and Cheryl Miller Testify Before the FDA on the Zoloft-Induced Suicide of Their Only Son, Matt, 13

Matt Miller, 13 I hope you have all had the opportunity to visit our website’s video section at to view testimonies from all of us to the FDA in the 1991, 2004 and 2006 hearings on antidepressant-induced suicide. You will see clearly that the FDA should have taken action on the SSRI antidepressants back…

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