Radio Show Tonight With Ann Blake-Tracy

Guest Ann Blake-Tracy Join us Wednesday night LIVE on F.A.C.E.U.S. with Robin and Lulu, Marcie Friedman host Ann Blake Tracy, expert on SSRI Drugs causing induced-violence and how Pharmaceuticals lead to unprecedented levels in celebrity deaths, suicides and public shootings. Approximately 200,000 die every year from prescription drug reactions,  80,000 from medical malpractice. Giving these drugs…

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STUDY: Antidepressants Associated With Significantly Elevated Risk Of Death, Strokes & Heart Attacks

For anyone who has read my book with all the information on the damaging physical effects of elevated serotonin along with the research ordered by Eli Lilly on Prozac demonstrating that antidepressants drastically increase the level of cortisol, known as the “death hormone” will not be surprised by the results of this study. They will…

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