December 2017

Merry Christmas From Ann Blake Tracy & ICFDA
Merry Christmas everyone! Possibly my most favorite singer of all time…”My Christmas” with Andrea Bocelli …. Enjoy a wonderful Christmas concert…. Keep in mind while listening that singing or humming hymns will stimulate the pineal gland helping you to reverse the negative effects of serotonergic drugs by helping you to begin metabolizing serotonin once…

Mental Illness Treatment: Austrailian Man, 32, Plows Car Into Crowd, Injures 19
Under current treatment for mental illness, man drives car into Christmas shoppers at 60 mph injuring 19. When I saw this early yesterday morning I mistakenly thought they must discussing the Melbourne case identical to this which happened last year about the same time and in the same place! Unlike the other case, shockingly no one…

Pills More Lethal Than Guns – Pain Meds & Sleep Apnea
Parker & Madilyn Stewart ‘We are killing innocent people’: Stunned doctor warns of opioid danger, even when taken as prescribed Three months after 21 year old Parker Stewart married his sweetheart, Madilyn, he and his younger sister both went in for a tonsillectomy. On the third day after surgery he told everyone he was feeling…

12/13 Interview: Del Bigtree Producer of VAXXED & TV Series “The Doctors”
From the incredible series “Vaccines Revealed” from which we shared the absolutely amazing interview with Robert Kennedy, Jr. last week – an interview the whole world should hear in order to see the amazing extent of corruption & vested interests within the CDC & the FDA!!! Anyway I hope many of you will have the…

Free Documentary Gut-Brain & Autoimmune Diseases
Your Host, Jonathan Otto In Episode 5 we’ll look more into how the whole gut-brain connection works and how that can help on the road to recovery. INTRODUCTION….. GO HERE TO WATCH EPISODE 5 – WATCH WHILE IT’S LIVE!!! DON’T MISS THIS FREE VIEWING WHILE IT IS LIVE….. We’ll be covering: Gut Health: Crohn’s, Colitis,…

Stop Whatever You Are Doing & Watch This!!!!!
ONLY AVAILABLE FOR FREE VIEWING FOR FIVE MORE HOURS!!!! If Robert Kennedy, Jr has not been one of your heroes in life before this he will be by the time you watch the first half hour of this interview all politics aside! And I am not kidding! This is one of the most powerful interviews…

‘I Did It To Kill People’: Autistic Girl,11, Rams Truck Into Home
See link to original news story below…..and keep the following information in mind as you read what happened in this case. Then ask what on Earth we are doing to the future generation with our mass drugging of children! A shocking 63% of Autistic children are given antidepressants! So should anyone be surprised by this…