Bad Effects from Macrobid

“To me, it is poison.”


My experience with Macrobid: Within about a 15-month period, I was put on Macrobid about 6 times for recurring urinary tract infections. By the 5th and 6th time, I was experiencing extreme fatigue; extreme muscle pain in my neck, shoulder and upper back; very irritable; and I felt like I was having a nervous breakdown. I could barely function. At about the 3rd day on this drug (when I took it the last time) I could not get up and go to work, I felt so exhausted. I also experienced headaches.

I felt like I had the worst flu with the aches, pains, and fatigue, and my mood took a turn for the worst. I called Poison Control here in Miami and they told me that “yes, you are experiencing all these side effects from the Macrobid. Stop taking the drug and the effects are slowly reversible.” I also called my doctor and he basically said the same thing. The bad effects from this drug lasted for about three months. I felt horrible and could barely take care of myself and my animals and go to work. I felt like I needed to get on disability and to take a leave of absence from work. I had to go to the chiropractor about 3 times a week to relieve the pain. The pain would not go away. And then I started going to a pain center for deep neuromuscular massage and finally ended up with a Rheumatologist about 4 weeks ago who has taken extensive blood tests, of which I have not gotten the results yet, and he put me on 2 anti-depressants (Celexa and Deseryl) and arthritic medication (Celebrex). I have slowly started to recover, regain my energy, and mentally feeling better.

I still experience pain in my body, but it has improved. I believe I have Fibromyalgia and that the Macrobid aggravated every symptom in my body to the fullest degree possible.
To me, it is poison.

Eva Wilson EMW


This is Survivor Story number 11.
Total number of stories in current database is 96

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