2/28/2002 • Antidepressant drug trials turn away most of the depressed population

2/28/2002 • Antidepressant drug trials turn away most of the depressed population Mark Zimmerman, associate professor of psychiatry and human behavior, director of outpatient psychiatry at Rhode Island Hospital Brown University While antidepressants are among the most frequently prescribed medications, most patients treated for major depression in a typical outpatient psychiatric practice would not qualify…

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2/13/2002 • Psychiatrists shift the mood on antidepressants

2/13/2002 • Psychiatrists shift the mood on antidepressants Matt Weaver Society-Guardian The professional body for psychiatrists has conceded that antidepressant pills such as Prozac may only have a 50% success rate in treating depression. Psychiatrists shift the mood on antidepressants http://society.guardian.co.uk/mentalhealth/story/0,8150,649503,00.html Matt Weaver Society-Guardian The professional body for psychiatrists has conceded that antidepressant pills such…

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2/7/2002 • Scandal of scientists who take money for papers ghostwritten by drug companies

2/7/2002 • Scandal of scientists who take money for papers ghostwritten by drug companies Sarah Boseley health editor Guardian Scientists are accepting large sums of money from drug companies to put their names to articles endorsing new medicines that they have not written – a growing practice that some fear is putting scientific integrity in…

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12/3/2001 • STUDIES ON RITALIN ARE CHILD ABUSE DOUGLAS MONTERO NEW YORK POST “They want to see how much these children can tolerate,” said Vera Hassner Sharav, who heads the New York-based Alliance for Human Research Protection. “The research is absolutely child abuse.” STUDIES ON RITALIN ARE CHILD ABUSE http://www.nypost.com/cgi-bin/printfriendly.pl DOUGLAS MONTERO NEW YORK POST…

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11/12/2001 Prozac triggers increase in aggression in mice

11/12/2001 • Prozac triggers increase in aggression in mice Emma Young San Diego New Scientist The anti-depressant Prozac causes a dramatic increase in aggressive behavior in mice the day after the drug is administered, US researchers have found. Prozac triggers increase in aggression in mice http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99991553 Emma Young San Diego New Scientist The anti-depressant Prozac…

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6/10/2001 • SSRI treatment suppresses dream recall frequency but increases subjective dream intensity in normal subjects.

6/10/2001 • SSRI treatment suppresses dream recall frequency but increases subjective dream intensity in normal subjects. Pace-Schott EF, Gersh T, Silvestri R, Stickgold R, Salzman C, Hobson JA. Laboratory of Neurophysiology, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA. edward_scott@hms.harvard.edu The decrease in dream frequency during SSRI treatment may reflect serotonergic REM suppression…

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Study Links Older Bipolar Drug to Fewer Suicides

http://www.nytimes.com/2003/09/17/health/17SUIC.html Dr. Frederick K. Goodwin, senior author of the study and director of the psychopharmacology research center at George Washington University Medical Center Journal of the American Medical Association The new study, published today in The Journal of the American Medical Association, found that patients taking Depakote were 2.7 times as likely to kill themselves…

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9/1/1999 • Persistently increased density of serotonin transporters in the frontal cortex of rats treated with fluoxetine during early juvenile life

9/1/1999 • Persistently increased density of serotonin transporters in the frontal cortex of rats treated with fluoxetine during early juvenile life V V, Moll GH, Bagli M, Rothenberger A, Ruther E, Huether G Department of Adult Psychiatry, University of Gottingen, Germany. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol 1999; 9(1); 13-24; discussion 25-6 This is the first empirical…

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