He Never Said Good-Bye

If you have or know of teens or pre-teens struggling with depression or hopelessness, or if you know someone on anti-depressants, I hope this account will help you. I believe that if I had read a story like the one you will now read, it might very well have saved our son. My wife would still have her little boy. My daughter would still have her little brother. And I would still have my best companion and friend in the whole wide world.

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Xanax Facts and Whitney Houston

I would add that was not addressed here is how often Xanax is prescribed in antidepressant withdrawal thereby causing Xanax to take responsibility for what the antidepressant withdrawal actually caused or exacerbated the effects. If that is a possibility in Whitney Houston’s case we do not know because that information has not been shared & is rarely addressed or considered.

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ANTIDEPRESSANT & ALCOHOL: Assault: Man Attacks Kidney Transplant Patient: UK

Paragraph nine reads: “Steve Collins, defending, said his client had expressed “considerable remorse” and added: “He accepts it was completely out of order. Alcohol played its part and, perhaps, anti-depressants.” SSRI Stories Note: The Physicians Desk Reference states that antidepressants can cause a craving for alcohol and can cause alcohol abuse. Also, the liver cannot…

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ANTIDEPRESSANTS & ALCOHOL: Murder Attempt: Man Stabs Police Officer: Malta

Paragraph seven reads: “Supt Martin Sammut, who was an inspector at the time, testified that in his statement to the police, Mr Attard acknowledged stabbing the officer and expressed regret. Mr Attard also said that he was drunk – even though he was not supposed to drink because he was on anti-depressants – and that…

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ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Violence: Man demands bus refund at knifepoint: New Zealand

Paragraph 12 reads: “Mr Henderson said Te Iwimate had mental health issues, was on anti-depressants and an anti-psychotic injection which he received on Tuesday. ” http://www.stuff.co.nz/taranaki-daily-news/news/3583817/Man-demands-bus-refu nd-at-knifepoint By FELICITY ROSS – Taranaki Daily News Last updated 05:00 15/04/2010 ROBERT CHARLES/Taranaki Daily News Police arrested a man about 30 minutes after he allegedly robbed a woman…

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