4/19/2001 – April Edition of ICFDA now Online

Twenty-three new articles from the past month have just been
selected from newspapers across the country and posted our
ICFDA site at http://www.drugawareness.org.

Included among them are two articles that offer proof there are
safer ways to treat depression then by taking pills. One is from
Newsweek entitled “Nourishing Your Brain,” which discusses
studies showing that fats in fish and walnuts can ward off
depression. Another from Reuters showing how aerobic
exercise effectively treats depression.

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1/17/2001 – Upcoming Radio Show & New Site for ICFDA

And this coming Sunday (or Monday, depending on what part of the country you are
in) I will the be guest on Art Bell’s Coast to Coast radio program. Ian Punnett
will be the host of the show so it should be good. He and I did a show together
a couple of weeks ago and he is an incredible interviewer. The interview will go
for three hours beginning at 11:00 PM Pacific Time. This is a national program
and is literally heard from coast to coast. To find a station in your area to
listen in or to listen online just go to www.artbell.com. (BTW if you have read
my book, you know that I do not encourage anyone to be awake during those hours
so get a tape ready to record the show and go to bed! 🙂 )

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