Young Son’s Frightening Reactions on Zoloft, Prozac and Luvox
“I just know they will want to give him SSRI’s and I can’t let him go through that again.”
“I just know they will want to give him SSRI’s and I can’t let him go through that again.”
Note: Keep in mind that these drugs are all serotonergic agents and clones or “copy cat” drugs of Prozac – the first SSRI antidepressant introduced to the market in America. Basically what applies to one, applies to the others. For instance we have more data out on Prozac because it has been around longer, but as the mode of action is the same for all of these meds the effects will be the same for the other drugs on this list as it is for Prozac. If we are discussing one drug, similar effects would be expected from any other company’s version of the drug. In fact it would be more honest to give them the titles of Prozac #1, Prozac #2,Prozac #3, etc. rather than the brand names they have been given, from the second clone, Zoloft, to the latest Prozac clone, Celexa.
The State Board should be commended for taking the lead in this issue.
They should be applauded for trying to steer the schools of Colorado in
the direction of academia, and away from mind-altering drugs. Please
send a brief, short and very supportive note to them.
The mother of a student wounded in the Columbine High
School massacre walked into a suburban pawn shop Friday, asked to see a
handgun, loaded it and killed herself with a shot to the head.
I was a volunteer for a hot line and received many complaints from
whose behavior became irrational after taking mood-altering drugs like
Prozac. The wife of comedian Phil Hartman, who killed her husband and
herself, was on the psychiatric drug Zoloft.