10/09/2000 – Congressman attributes son’s suicide to Accutane

msnbc.com Lawmaker tells of acne drug’s risk Rep. Bart Stupak. NBC’s Dr. Bob Arnot discusses the possible health risks of Accutane and alternative treatments for severe cases of acne. Congressman attributes son’s suicide to Accutane MSNBC STAFF AND WIRE REPORTS TRAVERSE CITY, Mich., Oct. 5. A Michigan congressman whose 17-year-old son committed suicide earlier this…

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6/22/2000 – Antidepressant Controversy

A revealing chat transcript with Dr. Joseph Glenmullen regarding SSRI’s and suicide can now be found on the ABCNews.com. Link follows the introduction. ————– Antidepressant Controversy Chat with Dr. Joseph Glenmullen June 21 Dr. Joseph Glenmullen Experts agree that drugs like Prozac and Zoloft (known medically as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs) are effective,…

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5/24/2000 – Antidepressants-Suicide Link

This appears at http://abcnews.go.com/sections/living/DailyNews/antidepressant s0515.html —— Antidepressants-Suicide Link Harvard Psychiatrist: Studies Needed The Associated Press B O S T O N, May 15 — Dr. Jonathan O. Cole, a Harvard psychiatrist who has suggested a link between antidepressants like Prozac and suicide, says drug manufacturers and the federal government haven’t adequately investigated the problem. In…

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