ANTIDEPRESSANT?? Another Great Comedian, Robin Williams, Lost to Suicide or Murder by Prescription?

According to reports Robin Williams had recently been dealing with alcohol problems and went into rehab. Rehabs are notorious for prescribing antidepressants! I would hope his family would persue this and look for what really happened to Robin. If an antidepressant had been consumed this was not a suicide, but a premeditated murder! Warnings should be given for those who have had problems with alcohol or drugs in the past.

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Trading Money for Mayhem: Anti-depressants’ Deadly Effects on America

  Trading Money for Mayhem: Anti-depressants’ Deadly Effects on America JUNE 25, 2014 Posted by: KELLY GNEITING Reddit I am Ann Blake Tracy, author of Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? – Our Serotonin Nightmare. Since early 1990 I have devoted every minute of my life to researching and writing about the SSRI antidepressant drugs. Since 1992…

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25 Years After Wesbecker’s Rampage Another Prozac Tragedy in Louisville, KY

Certainly not to say there have not been many more over the past 25 years, but how sad and tragic that they continue this many years later … Maddie Yates, a teen in Louisville, KY has committed suicide on Prozac after posting online that she was going to do so. Louisville, KY, of all places – right where Joseph Wesbecker, on Prozac, went on the 1989 big shooting spree at the printing company where he worked in Louisville, KY thus blowing open the controversy about Prozac and violence.

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Antidepressants???? Fashion Designer L’Wren Scott Commits Suicide This Morning

This morning fashion designer, and long time girlfriend of Mick Jagger, L’Wren Scott sent a message to her aid asking her to stop by her Manhattan apartment. One and one half hours later when she arrived and let herself in with her own key she found Ms. Scott unresponsive, hanging by a scarf from a doorknob. Although she immediately called 911, it was too late to save Ms Scott.

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