MUST WATCH!! Conn. Asst. Att. General: Why No Release of Medical Records in Sandy Hook Shooting

The “Prozac Eyes” of Adam Lanza, Sandy Hook School Shooting Absolutely perfect Paul Pezzack!!! You have done it again!!! Nobody does it better or says it better than you have done here in pointing out this perfect example of Adam Lanza’s “Prozac Eyes”!!! When you look at the next picture of Adam posted below at…

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Dr. Peter Gotzsche: Deadly Medicine and Organized Crime – How Big Pharma is Corrupting Healthcare

Dr. Peter C. Gotzsche, MD This lecture by Dr. Peter C. Gotzsche, Danish medical researcher and author of “Deadly Medicine and Organized Crime – How Big Pharma is Corrupting Healthcare” is well worth the view! Although in Danish there are English subtitles. The following is just one example of common sense observations he brings out:…

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