URGENT!! Stop CDC’s Request for Mandatory Drugging or Detention!!!!

This is a total de-ja-vu of IG Farben and their involvement in Hitler’s Dachau and Auschwitz camps of torture and death!!!!!! We only have until mid October to contact lawmakers to stop this from happening. As you will see they already have way too much power and they are asking for more!

This is also one of the main reasons I have not seen a doctor for 45 years!!! After I survived that operating table and made my resolve to throw out all plans of becoming an MD myself as I learned how lucky I was to still be breathing I knew where they were headed with all their medical “help” for us all. This is frightening information and all well documented and presented. This is a battle for freedom like we have never seen before in this country!

In light of what we have just learned about the CDC via the new and amazing documentary VAXXED this step by the CDC is unbelievable when they are clearly who should be prosecuted for their crimes exposed by this CDC whistle blower in this documentary! to have the nerve to conceal the MMR vaccine dangers by throwing the data in the garbage rather than disclose it to the public?! How would they even dare to consider proposing this!!!!! I would say this makes it very, very, very clear what their true intentions really are!

This video NEEDS to go viral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


As I hope that you can see they will not stop with the forcing of drugs after vaccines alone.  Because once they get their permission to do this it is obvious where we are headed next…we will all join Mark Taylor, the Columbine survivor who has been forcibly drugged now for seven or eight years to shut him up!!! If you have not seen Mark’s story you need to watch it here:


My good friend Len Horowitz has been warning of this for many years! People need to read his work!

Ann Blake Tracy, Executive Director,

International Coalition for Drug Awareness

drugawareness.org & ssristories.NET
Author: ”Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? – Our Serotonin Nightmare – The Complete Truth of the Full Impact of Antidepressants Upon Us & Our World” & Withdrawal CD “Help! I Can’t Get Off My Antidepressant!”

WITHDRAWAL WARNING: In sharing this information about adverse reactions to antidepressants I always recommend that you also give reference to my CD on safe withdrawal, Help! I Can’t Get Off My Antidepressant!, so that we do not have more people dropping off these drugs too quickly – a move which I have warned from the beginning can be even more dangerous than staying on the drugs!

WITHDRAWAL HELP: You can find the hour and a half long CD on safe and effective withdrawal helps here: http://store.drugawareness.org/ And if you need additional consultations with Ann Blake-Tracy, you can book one at www.drugawareness.org or sign up for one of the memberships in the International Coalition for Drug Awareness which includes free consultations as one of the benefits of that particular membership plan. For only a $30 membership for one month you can even get 30 days of access to the withdrawal CD with tips on rebuilding after the meds, all six of my DVDs, hundreds of radio interviews, lectures, TV interviews I have done over the years PLUS access to my book on antidepressants (500 plus pages) with more information than you will find anywhere else (that is only $5 more than the book alone would cost) at www.drugawareness.org. (Definitely the best option to save outrageous postage charges for those out of the country!)

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