Sad News: One of our Directors for ICFDA, Dr. Lorraine Day

Plus for many years she was driven in her work of educating the public by writing one book after another as fast as she possibly could. How well I know & fully understand that incessant drive to get answers to the public in order to spare them unnecessary pain & suffering! You will be greatly missed by many Lorraine! Most especially by your two sons & your grandchildren who were everything to you!!!

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Ep. 419/420 – Tina Griffin/THE COUNTER CULTURE MOM SHOW: Linking SSRI and Homicidal Ideation – Ann Blake-Tracy

Ep. 419 – Thousands of Case Studies Linking SSRI Drugs and Homicidal Ideation – Ann Blake-Tracy Ep. 419 – Thousands of Case Studies Linking SSRI Drugs and Homicidal Ideation – Dr. Ann Blake-Tracy – FreedomProject ( Ep. 420 – Drastic SSRI Dosage Change Can Cause Suicide, Homicide and Psychosis – Dr. Ann Blake-Tracy Various platforms…

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A Tribute To Lisa Marie Presley: Gone Too Soon at Age 54. Seems The Whole World is Living the Serotonin Nightmare!

No matter who you are or the status you hold in our world the Serotonin Nightmare plagues us all. When Pharmacist Maris Malikoff presented testimony at the FDA’s first hearing on Prozac in 1991 she told everyone that this drug was NOT a “medication”, but a very dangerous & deadly drug & warned the day…

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Evidence That Low Serotonin Does Not Cause Depression | Psychology Today This is yet another major piece of recently released information from a new study on on antidepressants & the serotonin theory which I have been shouting at the top of my lungs about for 30 years! Once again I say you heard it here first! I have stated very clearly in my book on…

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MEDS: Brett Kavanaugh Attack by CA Suicidal Youth, What Will AG Do To End This?

This article should more accurately be titled “Armed SUICIDAL Man Arrested Near Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Maryland Home Came With Intent to Kill” Now anyone in one of our groups knows which so called “medications” can cause both “suicidal ideation” or “homicidal ideation” & often both together. And I would propose the term “ideation” would more…

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23 Years Ago Today life at Columbine High started like this…

Eric Harris & Dylan Kleebold had been court ordered, after breaking into a van, into an Anger Management program (where antidepressants have long been the first line of “treatment” for anger management). How ironic that is becomes clear when you learn that 80% of those incarcerated for violent crime have been found to be suffering low blood sugar/hypoglycemic & one of the first things you see with taking antidepressants is the drop in blood sugar. The drop in sugar then triggers adrenalin rushes which is certainly not the least bit beneficial in managing anger, but instead should be expected to trigger rage & anger outbursts!

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