Eli Lilly and Co., the Indianapolis-based pharmaceutical company that
makes Sarafem, has been marketing the...
DrugAwareness.org Newsletters
"Clinical Drug Trial Dangers?"
On Sunday, April 1, at 7 p.m. ET/PT, CBS 60 Minutes...
At Harvard, a psychiatrist is studying whether the hallucinogenic cactus
peyote creates any long-term memory...
Now that the ad has run in Medscape encouraging doctors to prescribe it (as
Isn't it interesting that 20/20 nor 60 Minutes did not even hint at this
Medical students frequently face pressure to act
unethically and most say they have seen their...
The next piece of the puzzle would be to learn that high serotonin is...
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A US ophthalmologist says there
appears to be a very small...
A new public health survey reveals that nearly half of the people
being treated with...
Hear Dr. Ann Tracy on THE BOB DORNAN SHOW, broadcast
live at 9:00am ET, 6:00am...