Antidepressant impact on police suicide and shooting

So when you read an article like this you need to ask what kind of vested interest does Men’s Health Magazine have in Pharma?!!
To do such a long article on police suicide, and  then their only recommendation is to turn to NAMI, an arm of Pharma for help?! Police suicide has been rapidly increasing over the last couple of decades, since the SSRI antidepressants hit the market, to the point that we not only have police suicides everywhere now but we have record numbers of police officers shooting people, even those calling them for help!
This is so maddening! NAMI is Pharma’s Trojan Horse, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, presenting themselves as a patient support group while 81% of their funding comes directly from Pharma (according to a Senate probe led by Senator Charles Grassley) and not surprisingly, the only solution they offer is drugs, drugs, drugs, and more drugs as the answer for anything that goes wrong in life! As a result, this article will do nothing more than increase exponentially the rate of law enforcement suicides and killings!
As if officers did not already have enough to deal with as the term suicide-by-cop became such a common occurrence after the SSRI antidepressants hit the market, with suicidal people pulling guns on them to get them to kill them, it got much worse as more & more officers have been prescribed the drugs those threats even began coming from fellow officers! Just last week I had cases of two police officers, one-in Florida & one in California who both killed their entire families!
I need to get together with a few people I have worked with over the years…
#1 Elaine Billings, mother of New York detective Thomas Ford who committed suicide on two antidepressants
#2 The widow of an officer in a western state who developed the cravings for alcohol produced by antidepressants, even in those who have never even tasted alcohol before, who then took his life while on antidepressants
#3 The widow of a highly decorated officer who ended up going on a shooting spree as he drove down a major highway whose family asked me to speak at a special meeting for friends & family after his funeral to give them answers to the always festering question after such out of character actions … “Why?!”
#4 A retired officer whose friend and fellow officer, also a pastor, went on a shooting spree in a police department
#5 A police officer, now disabled by antidepressants, who swears that no one who carries a gun should be allowed
#6 A police chief whose son committed suicide on antidepressants after which be documented many of his officers who did the same
#7 A retired prosecutor whose son, attempting to just stop his Zoloft, shot and killed an officer in a standoff and then took his own life
#8 The mother of a police chief’s son who killed himself in on Paxil and asked me to speak at a memorial for him.
#9 The family of an officer who also attempted to just stop his antidepressant causing him to develop the cravings for alcohol, which come from the withdrawal-induced hypoglycemia, who subsequently shot and killed two entire families across the street from his home and then drove to a neighboring community in an attempt to murder his best friend the police chief before taking his own life
#10 The widow of a first responder, also on two antidepressants, who shot his wife, killed a friend of his wife’s and then killed himself
 …. so that together we can shine a light on the fact that the cure being offered is far worse than the original problem and we need to put an end to this nightmare! The truth is that this nightmare is the exact reason why far too many of us are now afraid to call an officer for help!

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