EVIDENCE TRUTH IS WINNING! Big Pharma Sinks to the Bottom of U.S. Industry Rankings – a Daily 9/11?!

LINK: Big Pharma Sinks  To The Bottom U.S. Industry Rankings

But What a Terrible Toll It Has Taken to Open Our Eyes to The Following Facts!
…Prescription drugs, taken as prescribed, not abused, have long been the third leading cause of death in America.
…Iatrogenic (doctor or medical treatment caused) disease is killing almost one million a year! This is more lives being lost in only ONE year than we lost in all the wars combined that this country has ever fought & the death toll equals the death toll of having another 9/11 almost every day!!!!
We fought the Iraqi war for over a decade for the 9/11 attack on the twin towers but where is our war against Pharma which is costing us the same number of American lives almost every day?!!!! Who are the real terrorists?!
…And those figures do not account for all those dying such violent deaths and suicides as these in this database that were caused by mind altering medication www.SSRIstories.NET
…Nor does it include all those dying from the opioid epidemic & the abrupt withdrawal they are now being forced into!

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