California cop who shot dead a 17-year-old girl who pulled a replica gun on him while having a mental crisis from her antidepressant will not be chargedClearly that gun looks real enough to make anyone believe it was real. The term “suicide by cop” was created with the release of Prozac upon the market & has become more & more common with the introduction of each new antidepressant. But did she intentionally commit suicide or had she gone into severe paranoia and psychosis from the antidepressant to produce her behavior? She had so many serious adverse reactions over a long enough period that any medical professional who worked with her should have known the suicidal ideation and homicidal ideation were adverse reactions to antidepressants & weaned her off these drugs. This is terrible incompetence that continues worldwide by doctors who should know more about these deadly drugs they continue to prescribe forgetting their oath to first do no harm! These tragedies should NOT be continuing to happen! And I make that statement after working these cases in court since 1992.
Hannah Williams, 17 From the article we learn…. “Shortly after the fatal shooting Hannah’s father made a call to report his daughter missing, telling the 911 handler he was worried she could be a danger to herself and that she was on medication for depression. The June 22 letter states she was taking antidepressants and seeing a psychiatrist. Asked if she had spoken about hurting herself he replies: ‘No ma’am. But like I said, she is on medication right now. It’s just you know out of the blue, she’s never done this.’ Her stepmother said Williams had tried to run away and ‘hurt herself’ in the past. On April 29, 2019 she allegedly resisted a police officer while running away from a mental health facility. ‘During the physical struggle, Minor Doe [Williams] grabbed the officer’s duty pistol and was able to pull it out of the officer’s gun belt,’ the letter states. ‘The officer, with the assistance of a civilian, was able to wrestle the gun out of Minor Doe’s hand and no shots were fired.’ In August 2018, she was found with a hunting knife on a street and told officers she had planned to kill someone, the prosecutor’s letter said. It states that the same month she threatened to torture and kill her stepbrother and mother.” Full article with video of the shooting:
ANTIDEPRESSANT: Officer Not Charged in Teen Girl Shooting Death