I go from one mass shooting to another weekly now with no time to even think about posting all the children being killed by their parents or other family members on these drugs while no one seems to care enough to call those who should be reporting the truth about the killings to us. Why do I feel like I am the only one demanding they report the truth? So now 10 more people have lost their lives this week on top of the 8 in Atlanta last week.
But never fear the FBI is here on the scene in Boulder! Always willing to rush right in & spin another story about the “why” this tragedy happened in order to divert any focus on the drugs which always seem to be behind everyone of these shootings – antidepressants. Wonder what we will hear this one was triggered by? Wonder how far fetched this one will sound – just like we are suppose to believe the one in Atlanta last week was an Asian Hate Crime. We would certainly not want to listen to the shooter try to explain openly & then talk about his “treatment” for sexual addiction. That “trearment” has long been the use of antidepressants & the forced viewing of porn to see how aroused they get while viewing now would we? Sure the antidepressants are notorious for causing mania & one type of mania is nymphomania (uncontrollable sexual compulsions) but their must be another reason we could blame this on….oh yes, how about an Asain hate crime?
I will be waiting to hear about Boulder tomorrow morning to learn what we are suppose to believe the trigger for this one was.
The shooter this afternoon at the grocery store in Boulder, CO said nothing before beginning to shoot as he walked in wearing only shorts. Yet another SSRI-induced Zombie acting out another nightmare in a sleepwalk state we call REM Sleep Disorder which 86% of those suffering that RBD reaction are on an antidepressant? And if it is will the media focused on protecting their advertising $$$$ ever tell us? Or will anyone else down the line with a vested interest claiming to be seeking for justice for those who lost their lives ever tell us? I know after 3 decades of tracking these cases it is sadly extremely rare for the truth to come out!