New York Machete Attack & How Antidepressants Cause Violence

I told everyone from the minute this happened that it was NOT an antisemitic domestic terrorist attack like NY Governor Cuomo & the media continued to assert. January 13, in court proceedings, we learned instead that it was the result of drug-induced delusions & homicidal ideation as I had said it was all along. See article below….
Hanukkah stabbing suspect pleads not guilty to hate crime charges
“He spoke only briefly to answer the judge’s questions, confirming his name and age and saying that he has taken the antidepressant Prozac.”
Does anyone ever consider addressing the root cause of violence? Medical research indicates elevated serotonin is the key to human violence – yes, exactly what the antidepressant & atypical antipsychotic drugs are designed to increase – those drugs America uses at a rate higher than anyone else!
These drugs also rapidly alter blood sugar levels & 80% of those incarcerated for violent crime have been found to be hypoglycemic. When you drop blood sugar like this you trigger adrenalin rushes. And adrenalin is your “fight or flight” hormone. The result is chemically induced rage or panic.
And “homicidal ideation” is a side effect of these so called “medications” – antidepressant drugs that work like a slow fuse LSD or PCP. If he was on PCP would anyone be asking why this violent act happened or would they understand the drug effect?
These drugs also cause a sleep disorder called REM sleep disorder, previously known mainly as a drug withdrawal state. It is a condition in which is there is no paralysis during sleep thus allowing the patient to get up and act out whatever nightmare they’re having. This is what comedian Phil Hartman’s wife suffered when she got up out of bed, got a gun from the nightstand next to their bed & shot Phil and then after becoming hysterical upon learning she had shot & killed Phil for which she told her sister there was no reason, she then shot herseif. This was a  terrible murder suicide leaving their two children orphaned as so many others are also doing nationwide. And how do I know she suffered that deadly sleep deprivation reaction – which 86% of those going into this deadly sleep disorder experienced from these drugs? I was the expert who worked that case, something I have done since 1992.
This was also the  the case of Andrea Yates who drowned her five children while on two antidepressants at maximum dose, Effexor and Remeron. Her psychiatrist had made two drastic changes in the dose of both of those drugs just the day before that tragedy even though the FDA has warned that drastic changes up or down, can cause suicide, hostility or psychosis. The manufacturer of Effexor became the first to add “homicidal ideation” to there list of side effect a only a couple of years later after losing one of their own employees when her husband, also on Effexor, suddenly killed her & their whole family in a mass murder/suicide. And this happened even though her job at the company was taking adverse reaction reports to Effexor! In spite of that experience she had not seen this reaction coming in her own husband soon enough to save herself & her whole family! Obviously Andrea and her children did not have a chance at all & her husband, Rusty, should never have been faulted for not catching it before it happened
The world desperately needs to wake up to the true effects of these extremely deadly drugs & their deadly & dangerous abrupt withdrawal. An abrupt discontinuation of a antidepressant by an elderly man after noticing the drug was taking his eyesight produced the Salt Lake Family History Library shooting.  My dear friend, Don Thomas, a security guard at the library, who I had warned many times about people on these drugs, lost his life when this elderly man on his regular morning walk opened fire.
For a more complete list of cases gathered by two part-time volunteers over two decades where you can search by state, antidepressant, etc. on this database:
And to hear from two first responders, a retired Dallas police officer & a full time Indiana fireman & ex-probation officer, as well as a pharmacist warn us of what they have witnessed over years of dealing with cases of violence. Look at their reports which implicate these drugs, rather than guns – the same conclusion Michael Moore made concerning Columbine after his own movie “Bowling for Columbine” blamed guns for the Columbine massacre….
MASS KILLINGS: If You Think It Is Guns You Need to Think Again!!!
Below hear Michael Moore as he speaks out calling his own movie “BS” & states Columbine was caused by these same antidepressant drugs…

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