Mombasa Pastor, Elisha Misiko, 55, Slits Own Throat After Stabbing Co-Pastor Wife Who Was Giving The Sermon
Mombasa Pastor, Elisha Misiko, 55, Slits Own Throat After Stabbing Co-Pastor Wife Who Was Giving The Sermon
Mombasa Pastor, Elisha Misiko, 55, Slits Own Throat After Stabbing Co-Pastor Wife Who Was Giving The Sermon
Many of you are aware that I was the expert who worked with the Hartman family to gather the evidence against Zoloft in this tragic destruction of yet another beautiful family. After his wife, Brynn, had her Zoloft dose cut in half by her doctor three weeks earlier she went into the deadly antidepressant induced…
The Conspiracy Show: Mass Shootings and Mind Altering Drugs “Are money hungry Drug companies creating lone gun terrorists, then trying to hide their complicity?” September 16, 2018, with Richard Syrett, Toronto, Canada Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode Ann Blake-Tracy Bio: Ann is the author or the first book ever written on the adverse effects of SSRI…
Sheriff Bakersfield shooting rampage that left 6 dead is “New Normal” I can tell the sheriff WHY this is the “new normal”! Perhaps he has forgotten having to pick up Roseanne Barr years ago while under the influence of Prozac when her way to Salt Lake City to kill her parents because her Prozac delusions…
David Katz’s Mother, Elizabeth Katz, Works for the FDA with a PhD in Toxicology David Katz’s Parents & Family: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know As has been made public David Katz has a history of antidepressant & antipsychotic use along with several stints in psych hospitals throughout his young life….
How sad! They conned Howie Mandel with these drugs too?! When I saw his picture that was my comment before even seeing what this article was about. Why? Because he has “Prozac Eyes” indicating what type of so called “medication” (spelled D-R-U-G) they gave him, leading him to believe it would “help” him of…
This is for every parent who has lost a child by “getting help” for their children when all that happened was the “system” murdered their child with an antidepressant known to DOUBLE their chances of suicide! PLEASE SHARE BUT ONLY DO SO WITH THE WARNINGS BELOW ON THE EXTREME DANGERS OF RAPID WITHDRAWAL!!! Why would…
See link to original news story below…..and keep the following information in mind as you read what happened in this case. Then ask what on Earth we are doing to the future generation with our mass drugging of children! A shocking 63% of Autistic children are given antidepressants! So should anyone be surprised by this…
Fairport on Wednesday, October 4, 2017 at 5:22 AM the day after the FBI paid a visit to this home John Beilman, 6o, shot and killed his disabled daughter Nichole, 27, before killing himself. According to John’s brother John did everything for his daughter as she was completely incapable of doing anything for herself. “I…
Thursday morning a popular professor at UCLA was gunned down in a murder/suicide by Mainak Sarkar, an ex-PHD student who had apparently killed his wife in Minnesota first and then drove 2000 miles to kill this professor and another who was not on campus that day. I held off sending this out yesterday but today…