The Pain & The Truth Behind Losing a Child to Suicide

This is for every parent who has lost a child by “getting help” for their children when all that happened was the “system” murdered their child with an antidepressant known to DOUBLE their chances of suicide! PLEASE SHARE BUT ONLY DO SO WITH THE WARNINGS BELOW ON THE EXTREME DANGERS OF RAPID WITHDRAWAL!!!

Why would I use the term “murdered” or even pre-meditated murder”? I do that because after working since 1992 as an expert in court cases involving these drugs I am aware of internal company memos in which their own scientists warned them these drugs were actually causing suicide! And the company’s written memo in response to those scientists was that company could not afford to lose their antidepressant so the scientists would have to tell people that these suicides were being caused by an “underlying depression”, not their new antidepressant – their precious Golden Goose!

And I am also keenly aware of court testimony by their own pharmaceutical experts in a mass murder/suicide that when you chemically interfere with the metabolism of serotonin, which is what they admit these antidepressants are designed to do as “serotonin reuptake inhibitors.” They inhibit the metabolism of serotonin. And when you inhibit the metabolism of Serotonin, thus causing it to build up in the brain, you should EXPECT TO PRODUCE IMPULSIVE MURDER OR SUICIDE as an end result according to decades of research!

This testimony before the FDA in September of 2004 will give you the truth:

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