PLEASE anyone who can attend the hearing this week in Ohio …. John needs all the support he can get! You will hear much testimony on the effects of the SSRI antidepressants given on his behalf. If you want to help wake up this area of the country to the truth about these deadly drugs this is an excellent way of doing exactly that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See all details below about where, when, etc.
Less than 4 minutes video by Annomus:
To learn more about the Free JohnRohrer effort and how the government’s programs of forced psychiatry work hand in glove to keep vulnerable people enslaved? Check out the 10/6/16 interview with Katherine Hine:
TREATMENT OR TORTURE ? I will you let you decide. For more information on the John Rohrer case please go to
to discuss UPDATES on the John Rohrer case since Lauren last interviewed Katherine in 2016:
Preview YouTube video Chillicothe, Ohio – The John Rohrer Story