Trump’s attack on Big Pharma: “They’re Getting Away With Murder”



“Trump’s attack on Big Pharma’s cartel profiteering lost the drug industry about $25 billion in 20 minutes”

NOTE: Please keep in mind as you read this that as a businessman Trump’s main focus would naturally be finances. My hope is that in looking at finances and now the vaccine issue by appointing Robert Kennedy, Jr, the next step will be into the incredible pit from hell into which Pharma has led us all with the extremely deadly drugs that do exist leaving them holding the position of America’s third leading cause of death with medical mistakes holding the number 4 place. Indeed he will see that Pharma is literally “getting away with murder” in ways he may have not yet imagined!

By: Mary Wilder Date: January 20, 2017in: Big Pharma, Donald Trump, Medicine

It is becoming clearer and clearer why the Big Pharma-owned corporations and crooks wanted so badly for Hillary Clinton to be elected president. She was and is a shill for their chemicals and President-elect Donald Trump could very well be the antithesis of such. In recent years, there has not been a single presidential candidate aside from Trump to stand up to the pharmaceutical industry, but that is exactly what he has done.

By merely speaking out against Big Pharma, President Donald J. Trump has completely changed the tide.

Shortly after an interview with the Washington Post in which Trump criticized the industry, Big Pharma lost almost $25 billion in the span of twenty minutes. Should Trump continue that trend, it is very possible that the empire could crumble. Considering how obvious it is that Trump hates Big Pharma, that could happen sooner rather than later.

At a press conference, President-elect Trump stated, “Our drug industry has been disastrous. They’re leaving left and right. They supply our drugs but they don’t make them here, to a large extent. And the other thing we have to do is create new bidding procedures for the drug industry, because they’re getting away with murder. Pharma has a lot of lobbies, a lot of lobbyists, a lot of power.” Trump went on to explain that “there’s very little bidding on drugs. We’re the largest buyer of drugs in the world, and yet we don’t bid properly. We’re going to start bidding. We’re going to save billions of dollars over a period of time.”

For those who have already convinced themselves that Donald Trump is a complete bust that will destroy the United States as we know it, take a look at how he could potentially destroy Big Pharma’s stranglehold and reconsider your position. He has his flaws, certainly, but there is no denying the fact that he has been the only politician in his position to have the bravery to take on the pharmaceutical industry head-on. (RELATED: See more news about Big Pharma’s profiteering and fraudulent drug marketing at

Donald Trump has promised that he is going to make America great again and one of the easiest ways to do that is by making America significantly healthier. By sucking the obscene profits out of Big Pharma, Trump would make significant strides to damage the opioid and pharmaceutical addictions that are causing problems throughout the United States, despite not receiving much coverage from the mainstream media.

One of the biggest issues facing our country today is the apparent lack of concern over physical and mental health. They are constantly swept under the rug and disregarded as being no big deal or a personal problem. If we, as a collective, want our country to prosper, then we have to look at exactly why these issues exist. While there is quite a bit of personal responsibility there, the lack of transparency regarding pharmaceutical drugs is what leads to many people becoming addicted to them without ever realizing that such a fate was even a possibility.

While Trump is certainly leading the fight against Big Pharma, it is up to us everyday citizens to ensure that we do our part as well.

Now that the corruption within the industry is finally receiving mainstream media thanks to the president-elect’s comments, it is easier than ever to speak out against the dangers caused by those peddling addictive chemicals to unsuspecting Americans. Now is the time to fight back — so what are we waiting for? (Follow more news about Big Pharma at Natural News.)



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