Stop Whatever You Are Doing & Watch This!!!!!

If Robert Kennedy, Jr has not been one of your heroes in life before this he will be by the time you watch the first half hour of this interview all politics aside! And I am not kidding! This is one of the most powerful interviews I have heard in 3 decades on the subject of corruption in Pharmaceuticals!
You have never heard a better, more thorough expose on …..
….pharmaceutical corruption, 
….the vested interests of the CDC,
….the vested interests of theFDA
….the vested interests of the media
….to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars
….the Twisted science behind it all
All of which produces the massive amounts of iatrogenic disorders …. thanks to so many dangerous pharmaceutical drugs of all kinds that are supposed to be helping us and instead are killing us in unprecedented numbers! And learn how it’s legally being kept from us!

“People have asked me, “why are you doing this?“ This isn’t what I wanted to do. But I had a choice. I could put my head down and walk away from it – pretending I didn’t see it. Or, I could get involved and take the risk of doing that. And I have taken those risks and I have endured what came along with it, but I have endured it happily. Because I believe that if I can spare one kid from getting this injury – from that pain….  God gave these children lives, and these companies are stealing that from them. That is a crime. That is assault and battery. It’s child abuse. In some cases it’s even worse. I feel like I didn’t have any choice about getting involved with this fight. And once I got involved with it,  – I’m going to fight it until the end. And I’m not going to stand down. And I’m not going to give up. And I’m going to fight for you – and I’m going to fight for your children.”….. ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR.

What Source of Omega 3 Oil???
In listening to the information he is sharing of particular interest to all of you who are using fish oil to obtain your omega-3 oils please listen to what he has to say in this first half hour about the extreme contamination of all fish! This is something I have warned about for decades! Getting Omega 3 oils from flax seed is just as good, and obviously better considering the contamination, than the fish oil! Remember that 2000 scientist worldwide got together in the year 2000 warn us of the contamination via prescription drugs in the water supply, and antidepressants in particular, which was strong enough to cause male fish to be born with ovaries.
Click This Link to Watch Now….
The following is the comment about this which I posted on their page…

Wow!!!! Wow!!!! Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!!! Could not stop watching from the minute it began!!!!

And the minute Robert Kennedy started talking about them defending ethyl mercury by saying it was leaving the bloodstream in only a week I knew immediately that was because it was going straight to the brain and lodging in brain tissue! And the reason I knew is because in my area of expertise I had learned years ago that antidepressants, which increase the rate of autism by 3 – 4 times higher than average when the mothers take them during pregnancy thus exposing the developing brain of the fetus, do the exact same thing at extremely high rates while patients are being told the drugs have flushed out of their system! All these toxic substances are lodging in brain tissue and having effects for years and years and years down the road!

And tell Del that I could have told him the media got bought out by Pharma a LONG time ago! Doing an anti-Pharma show is the “kiss of death” for any show! Leeza Gibbons had a great investigative piece with me in 1999 on mothers on antidepressants killing their children and her show was history only three months later! Hers was only one example of many more. Independent media is our only hope.


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