No matter who you are or the status you hold in our world the...
For 30 plus years I have tracked, documented, & served as an expert in...
A WARNING VOICE FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE: Tonight February 8, 1990, 32 years ago...
Another mass shooting with nine more confirmed dead this morning in Indianapolis where it...
Breaking News from CDC via Dinesh D’Souza: CDC Revised Covid Death Figures To The...
Elvis Presley’s grandson, Benjamin Keough’s girlfriend pleaded with him before ‘he shot himself ‘...
Join us *LIVE* Wednesday night May 27, 2020 on F.A.C.E.U.S. Radio with Co-Hosts Luanne...
Mother Throws Her 2 Children, Then Jumps 9 Stories to Their Deaths
Methadone is also a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor which has been involved in serotonin toxicity reactions. … These symptoms are...
Wow! How many officers in SLC are on the same medications the public there...