UT NAMI Calls for Full Medicaid Expansion



Yesterday a rally was held on Capitol Hill in Salt Lake City to promote a bill that would bring in federal funding to medicate even more people in Utah through Medicaid!!! SALT LAKE CITY — The Capitol rotunda echoed Thursday with voices touting the importance of treatment for mental health and substance abuse disorders. And joining in the chorus were cries for full Medicaid expansion.

Among those was my old friend from talk radio days, now Senator Jim Dabakis, pointing out that the Fed is offering almost half a billion dollars to medicate more in Utah!!! Jim should know better but even he was shouting to take the money.

“Washington has a check for $430 million made out to the state of Utah,” Sen. Jim Dabakis, D-Salt Lake City, said to an excited and thunderous crowd.

“Speaker Lockhart, take the money,” Dabakis shouted. “It’s simple. We need that money. We don’t need ideological points. We don’t need political points. Our families, 120,000 of them, are desperate for that money. This is not the time to play political games. Take the money.”

My posted comment on this in Utah media is: “Oh my gosh! Utah has still not woken up to this Pharmacuetical lobbyist group that calls themselves National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI)?!

“Senator Charles Grassley led the probe into NAMI about six or seven years ago which found at least 75% of NAMI’s funding comes directly from drug companies. So embarrassed by this revelation was the national head of NAMI that he stepped down from his position. If Medicaid Expansion is approved who benefits? The drug companies and NAMI do!

“But what about patients? Reading the book “Mad in America” would answer that or reading a package insert for these “medications” will demonstrate they increase mental illness rather than cure it, thus making an even larger market for Pharma. For instance Postpartum psychosis normally occurs in one of 1000 yet take an antidepressant for postpartum depression and the chance of psychosis is increased 1000% to one of 100 (find 1% psychosis in the antidepressant package insert) Or stop the antidepressant rapidly and the FDA warns you can produce psychosis.

“So, simply have the government expand funding for medications which produce psychosis and sell more anti-psychotic medications – simple math? Welcome to marketing in America!”

As I did a quick search for NAMI just through one newspaper there to see if anything was ever printed about Senator Grassley’s probe of NAMI’s funding I was shocked to pull up on just the first page three obituaries calling for donations to be made to NAMI!!! And why is that shocking? It is shocking because I have little doubt that all three of these people died from the so called “treatments” that NAMI is promoting – the same “treatment” these people are rallying to bring more money to fund while WE foot the bill, thus making us a party to those deaths!

The most horrific of those three deaths I know was produced by these drugs. That was gruesome murder of Joyce Dexter, 84, the grandmother of 21 year old Zachary Weston who under the influence of Zoloft and Zyprexa stabbed his grandmother 111 times, even slicing her abdomen open,  just over a year ago. http://www.drugawareness.org/zoloft-zyprexa-grandson-stabs-grandmother-111-times/ Two years before the attack Zach was court ordered “to undergo a mental health evaluation and complete any recommended treatment” after shoving his mother in an argument.

This is the type of “treatment” this money NAMI is rallying Utah law makers for currently will fund. So now the question is: “Just how many more grandmothers will suffer a similar fate as Utah accepts this absolutely staggering amount  of money?” And if you think Utah is the only state or the US the only country, in which pharmaceutical front groups like NAMI are accomplishing the same type of funding for Pharma, you need to think again!!!

If you read my 2004 report before the FDA Advisory Committee on antidepressants http://www.drugawareness.org/fda-testimony/dr-ann-blake-tracys-september-13-2004-to-the-fda you will see that the neurotransmitter, serotonin, which is increased by antidepressants is almost identical chemically to the hallucinogenics LSD or PCP.  Serotonin mimics LSD or PCP. Elevated serotonin is what is found in psychosis, schizophrenia, mania (Bipolar), suicide, depression, anxiety, Autism, anorexia, drug and alcohol abuse, violent crime, impulsive acts with no concern for punishment, argumentative behavior, rage, pedophilia, etc.  Antidepressants are designed to gradually increase serotonin levels over time and because it  is a gradual process it gives the appearance that the patient is going insane rather than the fact it should be an expected result of the drug itself! Making the situation even more disturbing is the fact that abrupt withdrawal from an antidepressant is known to produce suicide, hostility or psychosis, according to FDA warnings on withdrawal. Most general practitioners are unaware of this and mistakenly increase the dose or stop medication all together not knowing the withdrawal must be painstakingly slow and thus only making matters worse.

Original article: http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865596984/Hundreds-attend-Rally-for-Recovery-call-for-full-Medicaid-expansion.html

Ann Blake Tracy, Executive Director,
International Coalition for Drug Awareness
www.drugawareness.org & http://ssristories.drugawareness.org
Author: ”Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? – Our Serotonin Nightmare – The Complete Truth of the Full Impact of Antidepressants Upon Us & Our World” & Withdrawal CD “Help! I Can’t Get Off My Antidepressant!”

WITHDRAWAL HELP: You can find the hour and a half long CD on safe and effective withdrawal helps here: http://store.drugawareness.org/  And if you need additional consultations with Ann Blake-Tracy, you can book one at www.drugawareness.org or sign up for one of the memberships for the International Coalition for Drug Awareness which includes free consultations as one of the benefits of that particular membership plan.

WITHDRAWAL WARNING: In sharing this information about adverse reactions to antidepressants I always recommend that you also give reference to my CD on safe withdrawal, Help! I Can’t Get Off My Antidepressant!, so that we do not have more people dropping off these drugs too quickly – a move which I have warned from the beginning can be even more dangerous than staying on the drugs!

The FDA also now warns that any abrupt change in dose of an antidepressant can produce suicide, hostility or psychosis. These reactions can either come on very rapidly or even be delayed for months depending upon the adverse effects upon sleep patterns when the withdrawal is rapid!



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