Pills More Lethal Than Guns – Pain Meds & Sleep Apnea

Parker & Madilyn Stewart ‘We are killing innocent people’: Stunned doctor warns of opioid danger, even when taken as prescribed  Three months after 21 year old Parker Stewart married his sweetheart, Madilyn, he and his younger sister both went in for a tonsillectomy. On the third day after surgery he  told everyone he was feeling…

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Additional Tylenol Warnings: Now linked to SEVERE Asthma

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – A pair of studies suggests that the common painkiller acetaminophen — better known asTylenol in the U.S. — may be fueling a worldwide increase inasthma.

According to one study out Thursday, acetaminophen could be responsible for as many as four in 10 cases of wheezing and severe asthma in teens.

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