ZOLOFT & WELLBUTRIN: Teen Attempts Suicide: Louisiana

(PRLEAP.COM) Now drug-free, J.K., a Narconon
Louisiana drug rehabilitation treatment graduate, tells the story of how his
addiction started and how it ended. J.K. spent his adolescent years under the
care of a psychiatrist. He started seeing the doctor when he was 12 or 13 up
until the time he was 19 years old. Ten to fifteen minutes into his first visit
he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, anxiety and unstable emotions. He was
given Zoloft, Atavan, and Klonopin as treatment.

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DEPRESSION MED: 14 Year Old Girl Attempts Suicide in School During Class…

GRANITEVILLE – A Leavelle McCampbell Middle School student tried
to commit suicide in a classroom Wednesday by overdosing on prescription drugs.

An art teacher at the middle school on Canal Street said the 14-year-old
took close to 50 pills during class around 8:15 a.m. in an attempt to kill
herself, according to an Aiken County Sheriff’s Office report. The student was
transported to Aiken Regional Medical Center’s emergency room, but there were no
details on her condition.

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ANTIDEPRESSANTS: 17 Year Old Attempts Suicide: Charged with Illegal Pos…

First sentence of paragraph 13 reads:  “About a month before the suicide attempt, the teenager was diagnosed with “major depressive disorder” and was taking prescription anti-depressants, court papers say.” http://www.democratandchronicle.com/article/20090806/NEWS01/908060333/1002/NEWS/Mendon+teen+charged+after+suicide+attempt Mendon teen charged after suicide attempt Gary Craig • Staff writer • August 6, 2009 A Mendon teenager’s attempt to commit suicide has led to…

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DEPRESSION MED: Mother Kills her 7 Month Old Twins: Attempts Suicide: …

“Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Fyfe said prescription drugs for the woman were found alongside the unconscious mother and her seven-month-old twins, who media reports have named as Sophie and Lachlan.”

“Police believe the woman may have killed her son and daughter before attempting to take her own life.”

“Det Sen Sgt Fyfe said family members had told police the mother had been suffering postnatal depression and been prescribed drugs for treatment.”

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