Bizarre Behavior
PROZAC: Bizarre Behavior: Member of Parliament: England
Oaten is sitting in his eyrie in Westminster, wearing a blue and white striped
shirt, sipping from a carton of Ribena and ruminating on the mental health of
Three years ago this clean-cut Home Counties Liberal Democrat
pin-up was exposed by the News of the World for making regular visits to
rent boys. Overnight he saw his leadership ambitions destroyed and his marriage
almost disintegrate. Now he has written a book, Screwing Up, describing
the emotional pressures and psychological flaws that lead politicians to
ZOLOFT: Woman Professional Comedian: Bizarre Behavior On Stage: Austra…
Last two paragraphs read: “The mother-of-five also told the disgruntled crowd that she was taking the prescription anti-depressant Zoloft before abusing audience members as they began to file from the theatre.”
“It was pretty disgusting,” one audience member told Confidential
SSRI Stories Note: The Physicians Desk Reference states that antidepressants can cause a craving for alcohol and alcohol abuse. Also, the liver cannot metabolize the antidepressant and the alcohol simultaneously, thus leading to higher levels of both alcohol and the antidepressant in the human body.
My 18-Year Old’s Bizarre Behavior on Prozac
“At no time did any one mention Prozac’s side effects.”