ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Sleeping Pills: Death: 32 Year Old Woman Dies from a …

A woman who was suffering from depression died
after taking a cocktail of prescription drugs, an inquest heard.

Coroner’s Court heard that Samantha Andrews, aged 32, of Harpford Close, Breightmet,
died after taking drugs including sleeping tablets, anti-depressants and

But Assistant Deputy Coroner Peter Watson said there
was insufficient evidence to prove that Miss Andrews committed suicide and
recorded an open verdict.

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ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Suicide: 22 Year Old Woman: England

and quiet girl’ who spent years bravely fighting depression took her own life
just days after her 22nd birthday, an inquest heard.

Family and friends joined
popular Natalie McCreanney at her party at Bibendum in Eastbourne town centre on
November 21 last year.

A week later, her body was
found on a secluded part of the beach, near the foot of Beachy Head.

An inquest on Tuesday heard
that Natalie, an animal lover, who studied at Plumpton College, had suffered ill
health as a child, which limited her sight and held her back at school.

Natalie paid for regular
counselling sessions for several years at the Eastbourne Clinic, but these ended
a couple of months before her death as she was thought to be too dependent on

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ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Suicide: 20 Year Old Woman: England

A FORMER Bolton School pupil who suffered from “dark
moods” took a fatal overdose of anti-depressants, an inquest heard.

Fay Turner died aged just 20 in July after a row with her ex-boyfriend.

The overdose of prescribed medication was the latest in a number taken by Miss
Turner, who had a history of mental health illnesses including anorexia and

Miss Turner’s father, Philip Turner, of Andrew Lane, Bolton,
described his daughter as a bright girl.

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PROZAC: 25 Year Old Woman Commits Suicide: England

A mother is set to take legal action against a hospital trust she claims
failed to spot her daughter’s mental illness that resulted in her

Beautician Tracy Thomas was left devastated when her oldest
daughter, Kimberley, hanged herself in her bedroom just two weeks before

She claims Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust failed to
help 25-year-old Kimberley after she repeatedly threatened to commit suicide

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ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Stealing: Woman: England

Paragraph 11 reads:  “He added,  ‘She was going through a lot of difficulties in her personal life at this time. She was the victim of domestic violence and was on fairly strong anti-depressants’.” Woman could face jail after petrol pay fraud Published Date: 05 August 2009 A 25-YEAR-OLD woman who breached a suspended prison…

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