ANTIDEPRESSANT: Woman is 23rd France Telecom Employee to Commit Suidie

THE controversy over a spate of
suicides at the communications giant France
Telecom took a macabre turn overnight with the publication of a suicide
letter sent by the latest woman to die.

“I’m going to become the 23rd
staff member to commit suicide,” 32-year-old Stephanie wrote in an e-mail sent
to her father just moments before she flung herself out of her fourth storey
office window.

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ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Woman Commits Suicide: Husband Charged: Florida

Paragraph asix reads:  “Deputies say Ragan and his wife were having marital problems and his wife was on anti-depressants. She was pronounced dead at the hospital.” Brevard man charged with assisted suicide Updated: Tuesday, 15 Sep 2009, 12:23 AM EDTPublished : Monday, 14 Sep 2009, 5:15 PM EDT BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35)…

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A MOTHER-OF-THREE has been jailed for a
year after attacking a woman she accused of being a prostitute.

Thomas, 31, of Stotfield Road, Bilborough, repeatedly punched the woman in the
face and kicked her.

The victim, who had been out with a friend on
Valentine’s Night, lost her little fingernails as she defended herself and had
scratches to her jaw and a swollen nose.

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ANTIDEPRESSANT: Woman Becomes Violent: Canada

SOMBA K’E/YELLOWKNIFE – A woman accused of assaulting a police officer told a judge Thursday that after responding to an RCMP officer’s request to see her bleeding wrist, he pepper sprayed her, and dragged her to a police cruiser by her hair.

Ebony Maitland is accused of mischief and assaulting a police officer after her blood made contact with an officer during her arrest on July 6, 2008. – Elizabeth McMillan/NNSL photo

Thirty-year-old Ebony Maitland is also on trial by judge in Territorial Court for a charge of mischief.

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PROZAC: Woman Develops Hypomania: Later Diagnosed as Bipolar as They All Are!

My first psychiatric diagnosis was major depression, and my first psychiatric medication was Prozac. It was prescribed by my GP, not by a psychiatrist. I had a one-week follow-up visit, and then I was turned loose. It takes hindsight to see that what I thought was “normal” behavior in response to Prozac was in fact at least mild hypomania. Someone even called me “the poster child for Prozac.” This was in 1994, and I wasn’t diagnosed with bipolar disorder until 1999, after another antidepressant did a similar thing.

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DEPRESSION MED: Amnesia: Woman Can’t Remember Taking Money: Canada

A provincial court judge said he could not convict a Nackawic woman of theft, despite finding her testimony unbelievable.

Judge John J. Walsh announced his decision in a Woodstock courtroom Friday morning, finding Julie Boone, 34, not guilty of the crime of theft under $5,000.

“Her explanations were not logical, nor were they rational,” the judge said as he read his decision.

Boone’s trial began in May, as former members of the Nackawic Community Days committee took the stand, testifying about the disappearance of approximately $800 raised at a dance in 2007, a dance held to raise money for Nackawic Community Days, a dance where Boone worked the door and was supposed to deposit the funds raised into an account for the committee.

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PROZAC: Woman Threatens State Patrolman: Missouri

Doctors have truly become our biggest drug pushers in this country! What on earth are we doing to our children?!!! How can so many families be left alone to deal with this – never knowing from one minute to the next if they are going to find their child unresponsive and dying due to yet another overdose of these drugs?
This country is in SO MUCH trouble and it has NOTHING to do with any outside threat to our nation – it is within.

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