Another Shooting at NAU in Flagstaff, AZ & School Shootings Linked to Antidepressants

NAU Flagstaff shooting

Steven Jones, Flagstaff shooter

In the early morning hours in my home state of Arizona there was yet another shooting in Flagstaff, AZ on the NAU campus. It apparently happened after some kind of a confrontation.

Here is a news report on what we know so far from Chan 15 in Phoenix:

And here is a report from Chan 15 in Phoenix on a previous school shooting incident there involving Prozac where they are interviewing me and Mark Taylor, the first boy shot at Columbine High who sued the drug maker for causing Columbine:

It is possible that his eyes are demonstrating either shock or what we have call “Prozac eyes”. I have testified in criminal cases involving these meds for 24 years (including many school shootings) and IF he did happen to be on an antidepressant you need to know that if something triggers the adrenaline for you then you seem to have no brakes for it. The adrenaline just keeps pumping thus producing over-reactions to situations. So that MAY be a part of what happened in this case to have him shoot not just once to put an end to the fight, but to continue shooting all of those involved in this incident.

Flagstaff has had quite a few cases already involving youth on antidepressants – one was my own niece who was attending NAU as well. She barely survived her suicide attempt after doctors convinced her that Wellbutrin was nothing like the Prozac her sister had made a serious suicide attempt on 10 years earlier. Here I am making that report to the FDA:

Ann Blake Tracy FDA testimony in Dec 2006:

Then as I was traveling through Flagstaff in about 2000 I stopped to get gas and asked if anyone there could tell me how to contact a police officer there in Flagstaff whose son had committed suicide on Prozac. I had lost their phone number and wanted to say hello as I went through town.

Someone instantly said, “Oh you mean the boy who committed suicide last weekend?”

Of course I imediately began asking questions. I soon learned there had been THREE teen suicides in that relatively small community in two weeks. One was a boy who on his 17th birthday laid on a railroad track to committ suicide. He was on an antidepressant and if I recall correctly he was taking Effexor. There was also another boy who shot himself and was also drunk. I was not able to find out what he might have been on because I found no contacts in that case. The third was a 14 year old girl on Prozac who was having serious adverse reactions and her mother was attempting to get her to the hospital when she jumped out of the car. While the mother was reporting the incident to 911 the call came in that her daughter had just run in front of a train. In fact in my experience finding a train involved in a suicide seems to always involve the use of an antidepressant.


Pharmacist Comment:

“The symptoms I see in patients who abuse serotonergic drugs of any form. ..could aptly be described as the “Hitler syndrome” (overconfidence in ones own policies or decisions, no fear of consequences, criminal behavior, death of people close to the abuser as the preferred method of solving problems in the abusers life, coldness and lack of humanity). I feel that in twenty years or less we will be confronted not with one Hitler but with thousands or millions… numbers so great that we will be forced to interact with their distorted thinking on a daily basis. (Littleton, CO., Riverton,KS., Jonesboro, AR., eventually little Hitlers in every town in America will grow up into BIG HITLERS) It is happening right now.

The most insidious factor about long-term serotonin abuse is that it enhances the individuals persona to the point that they are able to manipulate others into their way of thinking just as Hitler did. This causes the distorted thinking, abnormal behavior, and loss of morality to spread like a contagion to otherwise normal people who have not even been exposed to the drugs. Those on the drugs are converted by the pharmacologic/physiologic processes into sociopathic demagogues.

Do you have any comments on these thoughts, Ann?

Please respond. Tell me we are not the only ones who see what is happening to our world!”

Database of School Shooters on Antidepressants

School Shootings

USC study on serotonin and violence:

Science: Mutant Mice Hold the Key to Human Violence and Excess of Serotonin

– Exactly What Antidepressants Are Designed to Increase

1996 – Mutant Mice May Hold Key To Human Violence – An Excess Of Serotonin.

REM Sleep Disorder – Boy, 16, Takes a Gun to School

REM Sleep Disorder (RBD) is a condition in which one acts out their worst nightmare in a sleep state and has long been known to include both murder and suicide yet 86% of those being diagnosed with the most deadly of sleep disorders has been shown to currently be taking an antidepressant.

RBD example: Why I Took a Gun to School….LDS Boy & His Father Talk About Their Experience


Database of 5000 cases including school shootings:


Study which used that database as the base for their study:

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Drugs: More Risks Than Benefits

Kauffman SSRI Study

Ann Blake Tracy FDA testimony in Sep 2004:


Ann Blake Tracy, Executive Director,

International Coalition for Drug Awareness &
Author: ”Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? – Our Serotonin Nightmare – The Complete Truth of the Full Impact of Antidepressants Upon Us & Our World” & Withdrawal CD “Help! I Can’t Get Off My Antidepressant!”

WITHDRAWAL WARNING: In sharing this information about adverse reactions to antidepressants I always recommend that you also give reference to my CD on safe withdrawal, Help! I Can’t Get Off My Antidepressant!, so that we do not have more people dropping off these drugs too quickly – a move which I have warned from the beginning can be even more dangerous than staying on the drugs!

WITHDRAWAL HELP: You can find the hour and a half long CD on safe and effective withdrawal helps here: And if you need additional consultations with Ann Blake-Tracy, you can book one at or sign up for one of the memberships for the International Coalition for Drug Awareness which includes free consultations as one of the benefits of that particular membership plan.



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