ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Tell All Book: “Side Effects: Death”: by Former Lilly Exec

Paragraphs two & three read:  “Many of the
horrific school, workplace and mass shootings that have plagued parts of the
world over the years
may not have occurred if the pharmaceutical
industry had been completely honest about the side effects of psychotropic
medication, according to the new book Side Effects: Death – Confessions of a
Pharma Insider
by former executive director of the Swedish Branch of Eli

Lilly & Company John Virapen.”

“Virapen claims that
anti-depressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
) were known to have suicidal and homicidal side effects, even during
clinical trials.
Thanks to spin marketing and paid, positive articles in
scientific journals, he points out, the adverse reactions were often ignored or
given little thought by prescribing physicians and patients.”

What Big Pharma Knows – “Side Effects: Death

Former pharmaceutical executive director reveals industry

PR Log (Press
Feb 01, 2010 – P.O. Box 9949, College Station, TX.
77842 • Phone/Fax: 877-376-4955

Contact: Publishing Inc.


What Big Pharma
Knows – “Side Effects: Death

Many of the horrific school, workplace and
mass shootings that have plagued parts of the world over the years may not have
occurred if the pharmaceutical industry had been completely honest about the
side effects of psychotropic medication, according to the new book Side Effects:

Death – Confessions of a Pharma Insider by former executive director of the
Swedish Branch of Eli Lilly & Company John Virapen.

Virapen claims
that anti-depressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) were
known to have suicidal and homicidal side effects, even during clinical trials.
Thanks to spin marketing and paid, positive articles in scientific journals, he
points out, the adverse reactions were often ignored or given little thought by

prescribing physicians and patients.

Virapen also asserts the
pharmaceutical industry has engaged in bribery and other major forms of
corruption to gain approval for and in the marketing of many drugs used to treat
such conditions as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD),
schizophrenia, arthritis, pain, diabetes and many others. The industry also
“makes up” illnesses to enhance sales and market shares, he says.

boost sales, Virapen writes, large pharmaceutical corporations spend about
$35,000–$40,000 per year and per practicing doctor to persuade them to prescribe
their products. In addition to covering or “massaging” the negative effects of
drugs, many of the companies engage in “off-label marketing,” which encourages
physicians to prescribe the medicines for conditions for which they haven’t been
approved, Virapen reveals.

Born in British Guyana, John Virapen went
from a door-to-door conman to a pop star, to a pharmaceutical representative to
executive director of one of the largest drug companies in the world. He admits
to participating in bribery, false information and deception to help launch and
market some of the most popularly prescribed (and most dangerous) drugs. In an
effort to exorcise his demons and expose the tactics and dangers of the
pharmaceutical industry, he wrote this expose.

The book has been
published in four languages around the world and is a best-seller in Europe.

Side Effects: Death – Confessions of a Pharma Insider is available in
softcover (ISBN 978-1-60264-516-5) and e-book (ISBN 978-1-60264-517-2) hardcover
from,, and This book can also
be ordered from most bookstores around the United States and United Kingdom.
More information can be found at the book’s official website,

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