Antidepressant to Treat Covid19? – America’s “Brilliant” (NOT!) Scientific Minds Decide to Revisit Columbine!!!

Study to evaluate antidepressant as potential COVID-19 treatment – the same antidepressant that triggered Columbine! Drug fluvoxamine may help prevent life-threatening ‘cytokine storm’ The following article really is NOT an article from the Onion, the publication that puts on seemingly ridiculous articles that appear to be real news. Sadly, this one is real! Hopefully St….

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Covid19 Shutdown Ending as Truth Comes Out

US Attorney General Dr. Jerome Adams You mean someone actually grew a brain about this whole Covid19 shutdown?!!! Watching it unfold has been mind blowing to say the least! Plans To Reopen — US Surgeon General Adams DUMPS GATES’ ‘Predictive Contagion Model’  and they are now working on real data just as  Dr. Shiva has…

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