- Michael Jackson Loses Life to Serotonergic Medications Just as Elvis Did
- UPDATE!! Michael Jackson Zoloft – Demerol Death
- UR-Salt Lake deputies kill man firing shotgun
- ZOLOFT: Convicted Killer at 17 Sues Pfizer: Nebraska
- ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Two Suicides of Female Teenagers: Indiana
- EFFEXOR & MAO Inhibitor: Two dead: Manslaughter Charge: Australia
- Antidepressants: Man Kills Girlfriend: England
- ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Suicide of Successful Busineswoman: England
- DEPRESSION MED: Man Makes Bomb Threat Against Elementary School: Austra…
- ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Famous Singer Kills Self: Sweden
- Girlfriend Self-Destructed on Prozac-A Police Officer’s Story
- Two and a Half Years Later–Problems from Three Zoloft Tablets
- Five Weeks to Psychosis on Prozac
- A Nine-Year Old’s Side Effects on Prozac
- Severe Reaction to Z-Pak
- Consumed by the Black Hole of Serotonin
- 07/19/1999 – My antidepressant made me do it! – Hartman estate says
- Prozac, Effexor, Klonopin, Serzone, Zyprexa, Neurontin, and now Celexa-and Hospitalized Seven Times.
- A Living Hell Coming Off Paxil
- A Nurse’s Story: On Paxil, I Lost Interest in Everything.