Breaking News – Our Most Recent Serotonin Nightmares.
My Zoloft and Serzone Nightmare
“I have a Zoloft problem, and I am prepared to tell anyone that this stuff is deadly.”
Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil Antidepressant Users vs Eli Lilly, Pfizer, and GlaxoSmithKline
Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil Antidepressant Users vs Eli Lilly, Pfizer, and GlaxoSmithKline Commonly-Prescribed Antidepressants Are Extremely Dangerous for Some Some 200 legal actions have been filed against Eli Lilly, Pfizer, and GlaxoSmithKline, the manufacturers of Prozac (fluoxetine), Zoloft (sertraline), and Paxil (paroxetine), respectively, to recover for suicides or homicides. rozac, Zoloft, and Paxil Antidepressant…
Cushings Syndrome on Prozac–A Nurses Story
” (I) thought it was saving my life, while all the time it was insidiously and slowly killing me.”
Heart Problems from Four Years on Prozac
“I was a very well person prior to taking the Prozac and am now exhausted all the time.”
All Hell Broke Loose When I Quit Cold Turkey
‘I began thinking and doing things that I normally would abhor. I became unable to feel spiritual feelings.’
2/17/1997 • Correlated reductions in cerebrospinal fluid 5-HIAA and MHPG concentrations after treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
2/17/1997 • Correlated reductions in cerebrospinal fluid 5-HIAA and MHPG concentrations after treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Sheline Y, Bardgett ME, Csernansky JG Department of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 63110, USA. J Clin Psychopharmacol 1997 Feb 17 1 11-4 Drug treatment, overall, was associated with significant decreases in 5-HIAA…