CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta (Neurologist) Weighs In On School Shootings & Antidepressants

  Dr. Sanjay Gupta is an American neurosurgeon who serves as associate chief of  neurosurgery at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia and as assistant professor of neurosurgery at the Emory University School of Medicine. He is also a media personality on health-related issues, and best known as CNN’s multiple Emmy Award-winning chief medical correspondent, hosting the network’s weekend…

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Study: High Psychotropic Medication Rates For Children With Autism

STUDY: HIGH PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATION RATES FOR CHILDREN WITH AUTISM (Keep in mind as you read through this critical information that Autism is a condition of ELEVATED serotonin levels and nearly everyone of the medications Autistic children are being given are drugs designed to INCREASE serotonin levels thereby making the Autistic symptoms worse. Yet doctors are…

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Medical examiner confirms death of 9-yr-old Colony, TX boy was

The Tarrant County medical examiner’s office ruled Thursday that a
9-year-old boy from The Colony committed suicide.

Montana Lance

The determination rules out speculation that Montana Lance’s death was
an accident.

Montana was found hanging in a bathroom at Stewart’s Creek Elementary
School around 1 p.m. Jan. 21. He was taken to Baylor Medical Center at
Carrollton, where he was pronounced dead.

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DEPRESSION MED: 14 Year Old Girl Attempts Suicide in School During Class…

GRANITEVILLE – A Leavelle McCampbell Middle School student tried
to commit suicide in a classroom Wednesday by overdosing on prescription drugs.

An art teacher at the middle school on Canal Street said the 14-year-old
took close to 50 pills during class around 8:15 a.m. in an attempt to kill
herself, according to an Aiken County Sheriff’s Office report. The student was
transported to Aiken Regional Medical Center’s emergency room, but there were no
details on her condition.

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Over 81% Took An Antidepressant or ADHD Med Before Being Diagnosed Bipolar

Chemically inducing Bipolar Disorder to create a whole new customer base for the new and high priced atypical antipsychotics is not the least bit difficult when you start patients out on stimulant medications, like Ritalin and antidepressants. That is especially true when given to a young patient with yet growing and developing, and therefore more vulnerable, brain!

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ANTIDEPRESSANT: Psychiatrist Goes Nuts: Diagnosed Bipolar as They All Are!

“Anti-depressants didn’t help the manic side of Munn’s bipolar disorder. At times his thoughts raced. He didn’t sleep. He had grandiose ideas like how to fix the entire mental health system in the state of Montana.”

“And he believed he could do anything he wanted.”

“’I felt rules didn’t apply to me. That would be grandiosity,’ he said. ‘But they do. And that’s accepting that you have a mental illness’.”

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ZOLOFT, PROZAC, Adderall & Ritalin: 18 Year Old Shoots Deputy: Critcal …

Paragraphs 11 though 14 read: “To combat attention disorders and other conditions, the teen took Ritalin, Zoloft, Prozac and Adero, among other drugs, Bryce said, toting the various prescriptions with him in a pill sorter.”

“The medicine sedated Adrian for hours. He was often unresponsive and seemingly unaware of people talking to him while on the medication, Bryce said.”

“The assortment of pills ‘took a toll on him,’ he said.”

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Strattera Deaths (German TV Request) False Reports from Eli Lilly

We have received a request from a German TV crew who is doing a special on Lilly’s newer ADHD medication, Stratera. These investigative reporters from Germany are doing a 45 minute piece and looking for experiences of tragedy /suicide or severe adverse reactions in children treated for ADHD with this drug. I know we have had reports, but I do not keep close track anymore of which drug is involved after so many cases because all these drugs work basicallythe same way. An antidepressant is an antidepressant no matter what you callmit or what you prescribe it for or how you explain its supposed uniqueness. So if you or someone you know has been through a Strattera-induced nightmareand would be willing to help get some exposure of this in the press, please get in touch with me so that I can put you in touch the reporters.

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