ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Mother Leaves Children Home Alone for 3 Days: Australia

A STRESSED-OUT single mum who left her kids home
alone for three nights while she went on a binge has been ordered to perform 150
hours community service.

The 32-year-old Maryborough mother left her

children, aged 10, 11 and 14, to fend for themselves between October 21 and
October 24.

She appeared in the Maryborough Magistrates Court where she
pleaded guilty to leaving her children unsupervised for an unreasonable period
of time.

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ANTIDEPRESSANT: Young Man Collapses, Almost Dies: England

South Devon magistrates in
Torquay were told Robert Lane became agitated and angry with ambulance staff who
were trying to revive the 19-year-old man.

Following the case, a
spokesman for the ambulance service said: “Any abuse, whether verbal or
physical, will not be tolerated. The trust takes incidents of this nature very

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