ANTIDEPRESSANT: Murder: Son KIlls Father: Wounds Mother: Maine

Newport: Sandra Goodrich stood outside her home on Rutland Road on Friday
afternoon, surrounded by her daughter and two good friends who traveled more
than 1,000 miles to be with her.

They talked. They hugged. They laughed.

Considering what had happened inside her house Monday night — as
evidenced by the large bruise on her chin and neck — Goodrich’s mood might seem
surprising. The moments of lightness and fellowship are, and will be, fleeting,
she admits. Goodrich doesn’t know what to do now except live her life, one day
at a time.

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ANTIDEPRESSANT WITHDRAWAL: Fleeing from Arraignment: Utah

Published: Thursday, Dec. 10, 2009 2:39 p.m. MST
former finance controller of Mapleton accused of embezzling almost $50,000 from
the city has been ordered held on $25,000 cash-only bail.

Fourth District
Judge James Taylor set the bail Thursday and scheduled an April trial for
Jeannie Bell, 48, who skipped her arraignment on the second-degree felony theft
charge last month and fled to Las Vegas.

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ANTIDEPRESSANTS & PAINKILLERS: Soldier Dies in his Sleep: Virginia

For years after
the parachute accident that ended his Army service, Cody Openshaw spiraled

He entered college but couldn’t keep up with his studies. He
had trouble holding a job. He drank too much. He had trouble sleeping, and when
he did sleep, he had nightmares. He got married and divorced in less than a
year. He had flashbacks. He isolated himself from his friends and drank

“His anxiety level was out of this world,” his father said. “This
was a young man who got straight A’s in high school, and now he couldn’t

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DEPRESSION MED: Rage: Elderly Man Beats & Bites his Doctor: England

A PENSIONER who bit his doctor and punched
him in the face in front of “scared” patients will have to serve a year behind

Gabriel Moya, 69, flew into a rage at a receptionist at Gossops
Green Surgery, when she handed him a prescription he thought was

Moya, who has had heart surgery in the past, was told to calm
down by a doctor but lashed out, punching him twice in the face and biting him
on the arm as he was pinned to the floor.

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ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Emotional Blunting: British Journal of Psychiatry

Servier, the funders, were able to comment on initial study design, but had no role in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, and no role in the writing of the manuscript. Servier have a research programme for the development of psychotropic compounds, including antidepressants. Although they were able to comment on the final manuscript, no changes were introduced as a result of their comments, and they had no influence on the decision to submit the paper for publication. The researchers were, therefore, independent of the funders.

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