No Longer the Same after Six Months on Psychotropics

Years 2000 and Prior

This is Survivor Story number 1.
Total number of stories in current database is 96


No Longer the Same after Six Months on Psychotropics

Other Medications

“Where will it all end? He had never even had a headache before all of this!”

Hello, I am Joey Depew. My husband Bob is 53, a computer artist, self employed for the last 28 years and is no longer the same.

He wanted to stop smoking and was given samples of Wellbutrin (Zyban). He had a bad cold and the GP told him it was most likely lung cancer. Anxiety erupted, followed by a trip to the ER for a possible heart attack. NO CANCER – NO HEART ATTACK, but he was put on a sample two-level dose packet of Paxil for an anxiety disorder. After 4 days of euphoria, then 4 days of hell, he went cold turkey off this killer drug.

Then Lorazapam for sleep, Tarazadon for anxiety and finally a week in a psychiatric hospital. And now he’s taking Serzone. All this in 6 months. And the result, he has been changed–crying, head pains like a grabbing in the back inside of his head, zombie-like some of the time and sensitive to light-sound-movement.

Where will it all end?

He had never even had a headache before all of this!


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