Common Drugs: Celebrex, Advil, Motrin, Aleve Gain Serous New FDA Warnings on Heart Attack & Stroke

NSAIDs Warnings: “Today we know that the risk of heart attack and stroke may occur early in treatment, even in the first weeks … “There is no period of use shown to be without risk” The warning about using NSAIDs with antidepressants came out long ago. When taken together the combination can cause gastrointestinal bleeding….

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Psych Drug Recovery: Fanta – Flight of the Bumblebee. Don’t let anyone tell you it cannot be done.

Fanta – Flight of the Bumblebee Fanta’s lesson for those working to recover from the devastation of all mind altering medications. Don’t let anyone tell you it cannot be done. “You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.” – George Horace Lorimer Whenever you need…

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HISTORY OF ANTIDEPRESSANTS – Just Where Did Your Medication Come From?

Eli Lilly’s Heroin [Note that they actually had to label their drugs “poison” back then] Eli Lilly brought us the entire SSRI antidepressant era when they introduced the first SSRI Prozac the end of 1987. Since they were the ones that developed and introduced the first of these serotonin specific antidepressants anyone taking an antidepressant…

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Editor of Lancet: Medical Research is Unreliable at Best or Completely Fraudulent

Richard Horton, Editor of Lancet A shocking admission by the editor of the world’s most respected medical journal, The Lancet, is saying that medical research is UNRELIABLE AT BEST IF NOT COMPLETELY BOGUS! Lancet editor, Richard Horton “… states bluntly that major pharmaceutical companies falsify or manipulate tests on the health, safety and effectiveness of…

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