Survivor Story 189:7/77 – Effexor Survivor “I tried to commit suicide 2nd week on Effexor”

  2003 This is Survivor Story number 7. Total number of stories in current database is 77 4.15.2003 Effexor Survivor   Antidepressants ” I was taking Effexor into about my second week when I tried to commit suicide.” My name is Amanda and I was taking Effexor into about my second week when I tried…

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Survivor Story 190:8/77 – Psychiatric drugs – Long path of uncertainty. “I think they should be banned.”

  2003 This is Survivor Story number 8. Total number of stories in current database is 77 4/20/2003 Psychiatric drugs – Long path of uncertainty.   Antidepressants “Through all the experiences with these drugs, I think they should be banned. I don’t believe a one of them helped me in the long run.” I am…

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Survivor Story 191:9/77 – Student’s Life Destroyed on Prozac. “I just felt insane. I felt like screaming…”

  2003 This is Survivor Story number 9. Total number of stories in current database is 77 5/16/2003 Student’s Life Destroyed on Prozac   Antidepressants “(After begging my doctor to put me on Prozac,) I just felt insane. I felt like screaming, tearing my clothes off and running around like a madman.” I wrote to…

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ICFDA Survivor Story

2003 This is Survivor Story number 1. Total number of stories in current database is 77 1/16/2003 Addictive Problems with Viagra Other Medications “Viagra cost me a marriage of 45 years, my home, the respect of my family and the full use and enjoyment of a healthy normal life.” wanted to share my story and…

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WARNING: Withdrawal can often be more dangerous than continuing on a medication. Please click here before discontinuing any prescription abruptly. Stories most recently submitted,are listed first. ICFDA Survivor Stories 2001 2/18/2001 Hope through alternatives even after long-term use of Prozac “The doctors said that I needed the drugs to pull through. I finally said, ‘No…

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Survivor Stories 2001 [34]

  WARNING: Withdrawal can often be more dangerous than continuing on a medication. Please click here before discontinuing any prescription abruptly.   Stories most recently submitted,are listed first. ICFDA Survivor Stories 2001 2/18/2001 Hope through alternatives even after long-term use of Prozac “The doctors said that I needed the drugs to pull through. I finally…

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