For those of us familiar with the effects of these antidepressant & other serotonergic medications, like the anti-psychotic, stop smoking medications, headache medications, etc. are well aware of the fact that nearly every mother killing her child over the past 30 years was taking an antidepressant at the time. So hopefully you would also be aware that the rate of mothers milling their children BEFORE they are born is also very high. Hearing about young women giving birth to a baby & throwing it into the garbage or leaving it in a toilet to die was basically unheard of before the SSRIs as well. But when you are on a drug patients have long called the “I don’t give a damn!” drugs, drugs known to produce rage & extreme violence & homicidal ideation, & drugs also known to be found in 86% of the cases of REM Sleep Disorder where you act out your worst nightmare in a sleep state – the most deadly of sleep disorders long known to include both murder & suicide, why would that drug not also contribute greatly to the killing of hour child before it is born? We know these drugs produce “increased libido” as a side effect & nymphomania (manic sexual compulsions) which lead to the listed side effect of “unwanted pregnancy”. All of those adverse effects are certainly going to add to a higher rate of abortion. Please keep those thoughts in mind as you listen to Dr. Dave Janda’s comments on this issue below…so refreshing to hear a doctor comment with wisdom! You will appreciate his stand on their oath to “do no harm”…
Dr. Janda, I have not seen a better & more thorough response to this absolutely insane move by NY & VA on abortion laws. Both of my children are adopted & I have always been SO VERY GRATEFUL to their mothers for not choosing to abort their babies, but instead giving me the privilege of raising them as my own! They are my greatest blessing bringing more joy & wisdom than anything else ever possibly could! You are exactly correct in calling this what it really is “infanticide” – the worst form of murder – shedding the blood of the most innocent among us! I thank you & am sharing this with my several thousand followers now.
Impact of Antidepressants Upon Our Society
As some of the comments below stated, we are living out the nightmarish prediction laid out in George Orwell’s book, 1984. We are definitely there. My book on antidepressants first published in 1994 has a chapter asking the question, “In 1994 how far into 1984 are we?” An entire chapter showing how these drugs, with glaring evidence they were ordered by the CIA to replace the LSD Congress banned in 1966, would usher in Orwell’s all too real prediction of things to come. Understanding how these drugs affect the brain & behavior is critical in understanding how the drugs would usher in the 1984 scenario for this country & sadly now our entire world.
The Direct Attack Upon Christians
Satan knew exactly WHO to attack as Christian women have for some time now have become the highest users of these deadly drugs. And to my shock, I learned only two weeks ago that 1 out of 5 pregnancies end in abortion, while 1 out of 3 abortions performed were on church-going Christian women! The future of Christianity is clearly under full attack!
The article below on spirituality & sorcery was written at the request of a high profile reverend friend of mine & explains how antidepressants would cause this & how we were warned in clear terms in Revelations that this would happen: