Just how much protection does the FDA provide us?

All of you are asking, “Just how much protection does the FDA provide us?” Well let’s do a little deep dive to answer that question.
THE SORDID HISTORY: The mother drug for this group of SSRI Antidepressants, Prozac (touted to target serotonin selectively), hit the market the end of 1987. That was after Dr. John Virapen bribed the approval of the drug in Sweden at the request of Eli Lilly knowing that if Sweden, with a reputation for strict drug approval guidelines, approved Prozac then other countries would approve it as well without looking at the drug as closely as they might have. (See ref #1 below for his full confession) And that would pave the way for the approval of all the future serotonergic antidepressants Pharma had in the pipeline.
Add to that the change in FDA policy by the drug peddling monster, President GHW Bush, past head of both Eli Lilly & the CIA & a notorious Pharma lobbyist who had to be threatened to get him to stop lobbying for Pharma while serving as Vice President. Bush’s change was to allow FDA approval for drugs tested only 5 – 6 weeks!
That FDA approval came in spite of the fact that Eli Lilly’s leading scientist, Leigh Thompson, had the scientists under him come to him with concerns that Prozac was actually CAUSING sucide. He responded in a memo that Lilly could “not afford to lose Prozac” and he instructed them to instead tell concerned physicians & loved ones of the dead that the suicides were caused by their “underlying depression”. (Yes, he put that in writing! That memo was found by our attorneys in discovery & used to prove wrongful death cases! And 100s of cases were settled.)
Now in December of this year the supposed “serotonin selective antidepressants” will have been out 35 years!!!! But you are about to see just how ABSOLUTELY AMAZING that is as you see the interview below on a class action suit just filed against an over the counter antacid drug out for 40 years whose makers knew it caused cancer & marketed it anyway! Then when you see a very similar drug to the SSRIs was pulled after only being out 7 years you be even more amazed these drugs are still on the market. When that drug, now illegal, but closer in action to the SSRIs than any other drug, was pulled from the market only 7 years after its approval! That is the same drug some on antidepressants actually test out as being on it instead of an “antidepressant”. That is also the drug all law
enforcement officers hope they never have the misfortune of running into someone who is under the influence of that drug. But with that drug it was law enforcement & judges that pushed for the drug to be pulled from the market due to the incredible violence it was causing in society. The AMA had little to no concern. Does that sound familiar as your doctors turn a blind eye to all of your reactions? The drug I am talking about is phencycledine, PCP, also known as “Angel Dust” & introduced as a dissociative anesthetic. It is the mother drug of Spravato (Ketamine).
A dissociative anesthetic puts you under anesthesia but allows for movement by the patient during that anesthetic state. In 1991 during my very first testimony on Prozac before the FDA Advisory Committee (See video of testimony in ref #2 below) I shared the brain wave patterns from my book, Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? Our Serotonin Nightmare! Those were brain waves of a 31 year old patient suffering memory loss, depression & fatigue after being on Prozac for six months.
Those brain waves (See brain waves in ref #3 below) demonstrated the patient was in an anesthetic sleep state & dreaming while talking to those who were taking those brain waves. The brain waves basically indicated “NO ONE WAS HOME!” That is no one in a conscious state anyway. Those FDA panel members had to know the minute they saw those brain waves what they were looking at was a dissociative anesthetic state! But as it turned out what was clouding their judgement that day was that they all had vested interests in the drug maker, with one panel member alone, Washington State’s Dr. David Dunner, involved in a $32 Million deal with the drug maker, Eli Lilly, at the time!
A class action lawsuit against the over the counter anti-acid drug Zantac out for 40 years. The lawsuit is over the fact the drug maker concealed for 40 years the fact they knew Zantac could cause cancer but they never warned! Sounding familiar?
Attorney Brent Wisner Tells RFK, Jr.: Drugmakers Knew Zantac Caused Cancer But Sold It Anyway for 40 Years
In an interview on ‘RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast,’ award-winning attorney Brent Wisner talked with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. about litigation to hold Zantac manufacturers accountable.
By Susan C. Olmstead
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The once widely used heartburn drug Zantac was the topic of a recent episode of the “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast.”
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman and chief legal counsel of Children’s Health Defense, interviewed Brent Wisner, an award-winning mass tort litigator with Baum Hedlund Aristei & Goldman, who is representing plaintiffs who allegedly developed cancer after taking Zantac. The plaintiffs are suing the pharmaceutical companies that sold the drug.
Kennedy and Wisner are colleagues. They worked together during the landmark lawsuit Dewayne Johnson v. Monsanto Company, the first Roundup cancer lawsuit to proceed to trial. The jury awarded groundskeeper Johnson $289.2 million.
“Brent Wisner arguably is the best lawyer in the country,” said Kennedy. “He’s won every award that you can possibly win for litigation. He is a versatile lawyer and he’s an extraordinary performer. He has a chemical link to jurors like I’ve never seen before.”
Wisner is now working to hold accountable the makers of Zantac for allegedly concealing knowledge of a cancer-causing ingredient in the drug.
Zantac, an over-the-counter medication, was withdrawn from the market in 2020 when it was determined that it contained the human carcinogen NDMA -(nitrosodimethylamine).
Now, pharmaceutical companies GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi, Pfizer and Boehringer Ingelheim are facing class-action lawsuits from people who developed cancer after taking the drug.
Wisner claims that the product was sold for decades with the knowledge that NDMA caused harm. He said, “We’re talking 40 years they sold this product and they knew it. And we have the documents.…I mean, we have documents where they straight up say, ‘this stuff causes this cancer.’”
Wisner explained:
“NDMA is a very, very potent human carcinogen discovered in the thirties, in the development of rocket fuel. And it literally has no purpose in our world, except for the fact that it causes cancer. It’s actually used in laboratory experiments to induce cancer in animals.
“It’s probably something that has caused an innumerable number of people’s cancers, because it was such a widely used product.”
The cancers that MDNA are more likely to cause include those of the bladder, liver and stomach, as well as colorectal cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer, said Wisner.
“It’s a complex scientific inquiry, but we think that we have the science to really push those cancers forward,” he said. “And we’re litigating them actively right now in our proceeding in California, which is exciting.”
Kennedy pointed out that people can still become plaintiffs in the class-action lawsuit.
“If people who are listening to this podcast — or people who are friends or family of those who are listening to this podcast — have any of those kind of cancers and can show that they took Zantac for a period of time, they have an opportunity to … become part of this litigation,” he said.
Wisner is confident the litigation will be successful, although he warned it will take some time.
“These things take many years and involve many, many thousands and thousands of people,” he said. “But, you know, we have a good track record of taking care of our clients like we did in the Roundup litigation. And we’re planning to do the same here.”
A California state court judge has scheduled the first Zantac trial to take place on Oct. 10.
Watch the podcast here:
#1 “I indirectly contributed to the death of people, whose shadows now haunt me.”
Dr.John Virapen
The Man Who BOUGHT Prozac’s Approval
#3 Brain Waves:

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