The Effexor was 10 times worse than (being hit by a truck).
Was hit by a truck while a pedestrian…broken hand/ribs/head and thigh took a good whack. I was sleeping about 20 hours a day, no food/no appetite, but very thirsty…chicken broth/mineral water. Two weeks after accident, complaining of head aches, doctor prescribed Effexor. Asked if I was depressed–no–but anxious about outcome of injuries (who wouldn’t be?). Reluctant to take because drugs and I do not get along..allergic/anomalous rxns..other family members as well. Gave me physicians sample. First 2 days nothing…no headache relief…3rd day about 1/2 hour after taking, I had a horrific rxn—thought I had lost my mind, terrified–thought my heart would jump out of my chest–frightful images etc. Called the doctor for help…how to make it stop. Never called back. I drank copious amounts of water and climbed into a hot bath to try to sweat it out. The only thing that saved me was repeating to myself “this is a bad drug rxn. this will pass.” After this, I noticed blurred vision that came and went with no rhyme or reason. The Effexor rxn was 10 times worse than the accident. I got some aspirin at the drugstore and it worked great.
This is Survivor Story number 16.
Total number of stories in current database is 48