Is Rebirth Possible After Serotonergic Medications?

Possibly the greatest concern of everyone who has been on one of these drugs that alter serotonin levels is can I recover? So I am going to be sharing more of these experiences the one Marcelo shared with me just a couple of weeks ago…so you can see the answer to that is YES! As long as you know what you are doing.

Remember what Dr. Candace Pert said in her statement about what people need to do to treat depression instead of using the antidepressants her research made possible which she called “monsters” which she wished she had never had anything to do with their development. I will quote that here for you as a reminder…

Dr. Candace Pert

“I am alarmed at the monster that Johns Hopkins neuro-scientist Solomon Snyder and I created when we discovered the simple binding assay for drug receptors 25 years ago. Prozac and other antidepressant serotonin-receptor-active compounds may also cause cardiovascular problems in some susceptible people after long-term use, which has become common practice despite the lack of safety studies.

“The public is being misinformed about the precision of these selective serotonin-uptake inhibitors when the medical profession oversimplifies their action in the brain and ignores the body as if it exists merely to carry the head around! In short, these molecules of emotion regulate every aspect of our physiology. A new paradigm has evolved, with implications that life-style changes such as diet and exercise can offer profound, safe and natural mood elevation.”

To learn more about Dr. Pert click here:

You will see from Marcelo’s experience below that learning all this does not take a lot of effort. He and I had a one hour discussion/consultation in 2012 and I have answered a few questions he has had in one of our Facebook groups over several years.

In August of 2012 Marcelo was diagnosed with a Fatty Liver after using Xanax for 3 years and then Zoloft for 8 years. His liver doctor advised that he go on a strict diet avoiding meat and fats, except for blue fish and eating lots of fruit and veggies. Then after meeting me and watching videos by Dr. Michael Greger, and my good friend, Dr. Lorraine Day, who is also on our Board of Directors for the International Coalition for Drug Awareness, his diet became a little more strict and he went to a Vegan diet. When one understands that both the benzos (like Xanax) and antidepressants (like Zoloft) are 98% protein binding it becomes quite clear that avoiding complex proteins will make it easier for the body to be able to flush these drugs out of the body and brain.

After about a one hour long discussion about his situation and drug side effects, which also included worsening of a serious situation with retinal damage, in 2012 this was my parting statement: “Well just keep working on building your body with lots of good nutrition & you will be just fine.”

 Meet Marcelo

My recent 2018 conversation with Marcelo contacting me to inform me of his progress and desire now to help others escape from and rebuild after all these deadly drugs:
Marcelo: Thank you!! You are so sweet! But I don” t think I deserve all the credit entirely for regaining my health because I could not have done it if I had not met you six years ago on Facebook which led me to find your book.
Doctors here in South America call these drugs, “Wonder drugs,” but like you always have said, they are wonder drugs straight from hell!
Thank you for all your help over all these years! I could not have done it without your help or without your book. The book is wonderful and had so much information on different topics.
You are very special! I don’t think there are many people like you in the world. The world needs more people like you!
I learned from you another approach to regain my health…different from orthodox medicine. And now I am better in every way thanks to you!
And people must learn to take responsibility to regain their health and stop trusting so much in doctors. I am much better now following a Vegan diet. I had a relapse when I quit the diet two years ago but I am much better now. I eat green leafy veggies like spinach,  broccoli..and I eat blueberries.
But I am VERY WELL now and I am amazed that right now everybody is getting the flu and I have not! My immune system is very good now. This diet is Very Powerful! I exercise now & do not get tired.
I watch videos by Dr. Michael Gregor and Dr.Lorraine Day too, who is on your Board of Directors. She cured herself from advanced cancer with a  Vegan diet, just like you did. She is amazing and you are too!
The liver doctor wanted me to get a vitamin K injection last year and I refused. I have learned my lesson about vitamins! I get them naturally from my food. And over this past year my liver function has improved by 75%, not by 100% yet, but much, much better and now in a normal range.
I understand now that my health is in MY HANDS, not any doctor’s hands. You taught me that! You have been so much help to me all these years.
I have oftén gone back to read again in your Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? book again whenever I have doubts about different things or have forgotten something about the drugs and their action.
I am so grateful for your help. I will do anything you need. Do you need someone to start a group here in South America or do you need someone to translate your book into Spanish? Count on me if you need help. I learned so,much from you and other Vegan doctors like dr. Greger and Dr. Day over all these years. She too believes the liver can heal. I saw it in her videos.
I never understood how much of a big difference diet can make in your life! A lot! It is key to your health. I may never have known that before but I do now! I have seen it work a miracle in my health.
It is amazing what you did to get rid of your cancer and Dr. Day too! My mother is very sick now and I tell her that diet will make a huge difference for her but she does not believe in diet. She has a blood disorder and probably breakthough cancer. I have tried to help her understand & sent her Dr. Day’s videos. But she just doesn’t believe she can heal with diet. It is sad indeed.
What you did in changing your diet to cure your cancer with diet and herbs was really amazing because you did it for yourself. You were brave! You listened to your own voice, your own body, and not the doctors. And then taught yourself how to do it even though you never knew these things before.
My biggest mistake of all was to trust in a psych doctor! I will never do that again! Any doctor that requires someone to take medicines for life…it is NOT good! The body is meant to heal itself like Dr. Day says. It doesn’t need medicines!
But diet is a very difficult  change for many people here because here in Argentina meat is the basis of the diet. And organic fruits & vegetables are Very hard to find because Monsanto is everywhere. It rains Roundup here! Many people get cáncer in the towns near the fields where they spray. It is an epidemic! I keep hoping they will leave here. Everything is contaminated. It is terrible, like the end of the world!
Humanity has not learned to use feeling, caring or wisdom in a proper way. It is a very difficult task to change all this. Right now we have an economic crisis so it is very difficult to resolve these issues. But it must be done.
The pharma business is very powerful too. Sad. They need to be stopped. I hope you can achieve that.
Thank you again! And once again I tell you the same, you are amazing. Thank you for all you have done and are doing for everyone! Big hugs!
Goodnight and Sweet dreams!
[Find the 2014 edition of the book and the MP3 Marcelo speaks of helping him heal on our main website at where you can also order a private consultation with me on either withdrawal or rebuilding if you feel you need more than the book & MP3.]

Meet Victoria

And here is Victoria who also cured herself with a similar diet after going cold turkey off  Effexor – something she recommends no one ever do as it is so much worse and more dangerous than weaning off these serotonergic drugs!!!

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