PAXIL: 85 Year Old Man Kills Wife: No History of Violence

As you read through the next two paragraphs understand why I gasp when I hear that this man was given an SSRI while suffering from anxiety, pneumoniaand sleep apnea. You see, anything that increases serotonin – as the SSRI antidepressants are designed to do and all antidepressants do – shuts down the lungs thereby cutting off oxygen to the brain. This is how these drugs produce brain damage, the cutting off of the oxygen supply.

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Sen. Grassley: Drug Companies “Bamboozled the FDA” on SSRI Antidepressants

“The report shows that Glaxo [makers of Paxil] knew in 1989, long before
Paxil was FDA approved, that people taking the drug were 8 times more likely to
engage in suicidal behavior than people given a placebo, or sugar pill. Now,
it stands to reason that even the most depressed person would decline to take
Paxil if given these facts. Also, parents certainly would decline if they
were told about the risks. . . .

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News Flash Two Decades Too Late – Antidepressants Do Not Work!

Now that the studies on antidepressants that were kept from those who needed to know have been reviewed the conclusion is they work no better than placebo – anyone familiar with my work surprised? For almost two decades I have repeated thousands of times over that the hypothesis behind antidepressants is backwards. THEY DO NOT WORK! And no one wanted to hear it. Now the truth is out and how many have been left in the wake? What a worldwide tragedy!!!! But a tragedy that could become far worse before recovery begins due to the lack of knowledge by professionals of safe methods for antidepressant withdrawal.

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