ANTIDEPRESSANTS: 42% of suicides in One Indiana County Were on Antidepressants

Vanderburgh County had the same number of suicides through the first half of

this year as it did in the first six months of 2008, though officials say there
has been a marked increase in self-inflicted deaths tied to the faltering

Of the 17 suicides reported through June 30, six of them
occurred after the person lost his job.

That compares with only one

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Strattera Deaths (German TV Request) False Reports from Eli Lilly

We have received a request from a German TV crew who is doing a special on Lilly’s newer ADHD medication, Stratera. These investigative reporters from Germany are doing a 45 minute piece and looking for experiences of tragedy /suicide or severe adverse reactions in children treated for ADHD with this drug. I know we have had reports, but I do not keep close track anymore of which drug is involved after so many cases because all these drugs work basicallythe same way. An antidepressant is an antidepressant no matter what you callmit or what you prescribe it for or how you explain its supposed uniqueness. So if you or someone you know has been through a Strattera-induced nightmareand would be willing to help get some exposure of this in the press, please get in touch with me so that I can put you in touch the reporters.

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Excerpts from the Denver Rocky Mountain News:

* When the local social services workers contacted her with information
about Candace, she was told the girl had a “strong temperment,” that she was
prone to uncontrollable outbursts. Candace had been through six foster homes
by the time she was five, and her birth family had neglected her, Newmaker
was told.

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3/24/2001 – 5 Drug Makers Use Material With Possible Mad Cow Link

Isn’t it interesting that 20/20 nor 60 Minutes did not even hint at this
issue in their show on Mad Cow disease in America? Even our local ABC station
here went on after the 20/20 piece to assure us that we have safe meat in
Utah when it was the same station who ran a piece a couple of years ago on
the city official who died of Mad Cow.

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4/17/2000 – Heat deaths related to medication raised

The inability to handle heat has been a common report from patients for years with the serotonergic medications. Many patients also find that it continues after coming off the medication. Now the Dallas Morning News brings us some insight into the dangers of that reaction. Ann Blake-Tracy ———————— Heat deaths related to medication raised Dallas…

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