ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Mother Leaves Children Home Alone for 3 Days: Australia

A STRESSED-OUT single mum who left her kids home
alone for three nights while she went on a binge has been ordered to perform 150
hours community service.

The 32-year-old Maryborough mother left her

children, aged 10, 11 and 14, to fend for themselves between October 21 and
October 24.

She appeared in the Maryborough Magistrates Court where she
pleaded guilty to leaving her children unsupervised for an unreasonable period
of time.

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ANTIDEPRESSANTs: Murder: Youth Kills Friend: Oklahoma

Ronson Bush’s mother Tina Black took the stand on Wednesday to ask the court to spare her son’s life.

On day two of his trial, Bush admitted killing his friend Billy Harrington but still refuses to say he meant to do it. Because of his refusal, Grady County District Attorney Bret Burns is asking District Judge Richard Van Dyck to hand down a death sentence.

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An eight-year-old girl pleaded for her mum to stop brandishing a knife at her neighbours after the womanthreatened to stab them.

Joanne Ireson wielded the kitchen knife outside her home in Cardigan Road, East Reading, at about 8pm on Tuesday, June 16.

The fracas took place after Ireson’s daughter snuck off to play outside on her own and she shouted at her to come back.

But Ireson’s concerned neighbours got “the wrong end of the stick” and called police – causing her to threaten them with the blade.

At Reading Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, August 25, Ireson – of previously good character – admitted one count of possessing the eight-inch knife in a public place and one of using violence and/or threatening behaviour towards neighbour Daniel Thiemert.

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