Paragraphs 14 through 16 read:  “Charles Maidstone, defending, said Ireson had been depressed since the death of her partner in February, this year.”

“This is a very sad case,” he said.

“She is on medication. She was also drinking. I understand she finds it helps her sleep.

SSRI Stories Note:  The Physicians Desk Reference states that antidepressants can cause a craving for alcohol and alcohol abuse. Also, the liver cannot metabolize the antidepressant and the alcohol simultaneously,  thus leading to higher levels of both alcohol and the antidepressant in the human body.

Mum warned of jail after knifing threat

By Anna Roberts
September 09, 2009

An eight-year-old girl pleaded for her mum to stop brandishing a knife at her neighbours after the womanthreatened to stab them.

Joanne Ireson wielded the kitchen knife outside her home in Cardigan Road, East Reading, at about 8pm on Tuesday, June 16.

The fracas took place after Ireson’s daughter snuck off to play outside on her own and she shouted at her to come back.

But Ireson’s concerned neighbours got “the wrong end of the stick” and called police – causing her to threaten them with the blade.

At Reading Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, August 25, Ireson – of previously good character – admitted one count of possessing the eight-inch knife in a public place and one of using violence and/or threatening behaviour towards neighbour Daniel Thiemert.

Lauren Murphy, prosecuting, explained the emergency services received three phone calls from concerned people saying a woman was waving a knife about.

She said: “A neighbour heard a person shouting and screaming. She stated Miss Ireson was screaming at her children.”

Miss Murphy said at this point Ireson said: “If you call the police I will stab you.”

She continued: “She [Ireson] pushed the neighbour and she fell over. She went in the house and came back with aknife. She said if she could not stab him she would stab herself.

“The girl [her daughter] said, ‘Will you put the knife down?’

“Another neighbour [Mr Thiemert] also said he heard shouting. He said he saw a glass object being thrown at the young girl.

“He [Mr Thiemert] said, ‘I am going to call the police’. She said, ‘Who the f*** are you?’”

At this point Ireson punched Mr Thiemert and threw a cigarette lighter at him.

Charles Maidstone, defending, said Ireson had been depressed since the death of her partner in February, this year.

“This is a very sad case,” he said.

“She is on medication. She was also drinking. I understand she finds it helps her sleep.

“This incident arose from a problem with disciplining the children.”

He suggested neighbours had got “the wrong end of the stick” and added Ireson was a caring mum.

Ireson, 36, was released on unconditional bail to reappear at Reading Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, September 15.

District Judge Peter Crabtree said: “I take into account what has been said about your difficult circum-stances and also that you are a person of good character and pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity.

“Nevertheless, taking a kitchen knife out into the street is a very serious offence.”

He said she ran the risk of a jail term.

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